Summary ¹2 2011 ã.

Blam Yu.Sh., Mashkina L.V., Ermolaev O.V., Novosibirsk
Forestry Yoke of Russia
The authors question the widespread assessment that Russia is able to sell forest products of the complex at 100 billion dollars. After all, before selling, you must invest, and quite a lot. In addition, regulation and lawmaking in the forestry is chaotic.
Reforms in the forestry industry, Forestry Code, the State objective, strategy, environmental requirements, fire fighting

Vasilenko V.A., Novosibirsk
Changing the Courses of the Rivers: Withdrawal and What Then?
Much has changed since the projects on changing the courses of some Siberian rivers into Kazakhstan and the republics of Central Asia were stopped in 1986. The issue of water-resources redistribution (from the north – to the south) which had been an interregional problem turned to be an international one. A hydroeconomic situation in both Aral and Ob–Irtysh basins becomes more critical with each year. However, the public interest to the idea of the nature transformation, alas, has less support. Such projects, as it is known from experience, require a legal support and the scientific substantiation studies made on good methodology.
Decisions of economic experts, changing the courses of the Siberian rivers, Aral basin, spatial resources redistribution, protection of nature, strategic ecologic assessment

Shirov A.A., Yantovsky A.A., Moscow
The Estimation of Multiplicative Effects in Russian Economy
In the article are considered methodical approaches to quantitative estimations of multiplicative effects in Russian economy. As the basic tool of calculations authors use I-O tables. In article are analyzed the key factors influencing on measures of multiplicative effects in different sectors of economy. In the paper is described the mechanism of multiplicative effects from realization of significant investment projects.
I-O tables, the multiplicator, multiplicative effects, fixed capital investments, GDP, budget incomes

Bekarev A.A., Novosibirsk
Pharmaceutical Business as It Runs in Russia: Not «Thanks to» But «Contrary to»

Pharmaceutical sector, generics, new medications, pharmaceutical cluster, Pharmgorod Company

Sorokin D.E., Moscow
Machinery of Inovational Gowth Sowdown
Contrary to the widespread opinion, the percentage of government expenditures on research and development in the Russian GDP is comparable with that in developed countries. But entrepreneurs spend for this much less than in those countries. This article analyzes reasons for such a disparity and considers distribution of roles between government and private business in innovational activity.
Innovations, institutional environment, property rights

Gurkov I.B., Morgunov E.B., Moscow
Motivation of Eecutives of Russian Medium-Size Companies Towards Innovations
The survey of Russian medium-size companies was the basis for analysis of the structure of motives for innovations of top Russian executives. Innovations are perceived as key element of post-crisis recovery; the difficulties for execution of innovative actions are not impossible to overcome. However, the scope of innovative actions raises only in the firm surpasses the level of annual investments at 10% of the annual sales.
Motivation, innovations, surveys

Seliverstova N.N., Novosibirsk
Capacities Reserves in Russian Economy: the Myth or Reality?
The paper analyzes reserves of the industrial capacities (over 300 types) and concludes that there are no large reserves observed in Russia, so the import substitution policy – presently urgent for Russia – should origin from intensive modernization of the production to ensure the higher competitiveness of our producers against foreign ones in domestic markets.
Capacities reserves, capacity utilization, renewal and replacement of capacities, innovation

Konoplyanik A.A., Moscow
Energy Charter Treaty: To Withdraw From or Improve?
The paper discusses whether the withdrawal of our country from the Treaty process could be regarded reasonable and what negative impact this step may bring. In the author’s opinion, there is no alternative to Energy Charter Treaty at present, so to keep it improving as the world energy markets develop would be better than to withdraw from it.
Energy Charter, Energy Charter Treaty, gas conflict between Russia and Ukraine, «UKOS» case, «Energy Charter-Plus» scenario

Mel,nikova L.V., Novosibirsk
Geographic Neo-Determinism, Spatial Misallocation and Zipf’s Law
This article briefly represents some of the most influential viewpoints in the Western analysis of the spatial pattern of Russian economy in application to Siberia. It stresses the role of the «spatial misallocation» concept in the development of the geographically deterministic approach to regional economics. It evaluates attempts of measuring the degree of «spatial misallocation» with the use of Zipf’s regularity.
Determinism, spatial misallocation, Zipf’s regularity, regional economy, Siberia

Alexandrov G.A., Inoue G., Matsunaga T., Moscow, Kioto, Zukuba, Yapàn
Biospheric Aspects of Siberia Development
Biosphere potential to supply primary food energy source ecological limits to the global economic growth. In conditions when humankind appropriates already 20% of all organic matter produced by terrestrial ecosystems, sustainability becomes an important issue in regional development and must be taken into account in an evaluation of the perspectives for Siberia development.
Sustainable development, net primary production of ecosystems per capita, ecological limits to city growth

Razomasova Å.À., Novosibirsk
Services Sector and Price Paralogism With the Cup of Coffee
In the article the problem of high prices on consumer services of public catering is considered. Researches have shown that profitability for the products which are not demanding difficult manufacturing techniques is more than 120%. According to the author’s opinion high prices are caused by absence of a real competition in industry, where number of the enterprises, capable to satisfy demand of the first level, in tens times less than universal indicators.
Ñonsumers, services sector, price, competition, small business, entrepreneurial risks, government support

Manasherov T.O., Moscow
Retrospective Analysis of the Dental Market Development in Russia
Estimation of the whole dental market volume in Russia is done in the article, including commercial and noncommercial sectors. Additionally the dynamic of dental services production in 1995 – 2008 and change of its regional structure is analyzed in the paper.
Russian dental market, dental services production

Pokrovsky N.N., Zolnikova N.D., Novosibirsk
The Development of Siberia and the Old Belief
The Old Belief became one of the key factors of the intensive development of Siberia in the XVII–XX centuries. The government’s repressions only stimulated this process as runaways who were seeking for religious freedom and labour liberty penetrated far inland and thus settled down and developed new areas.
The Old Belief, the development of Siberia, peasantry, industry

Rogova O. L., Moscow
Regulation of Inflation in Russia
The review of L. N. Krasavina and V. Ia. Pishik’s book «Inflation Regulation: the World Experience and the Russian Practice»
Inflation, regulation, strategy of reproduction