Summary ¹4 2011 ã.

Bushuyev V.V., Moscow
Power Industry Requires «Smart» Management
The paper analyses what changes must be undertaken in the management of the power industry as it is an industry which ensures normal operation of the social infrastructure, first of all, the public utilities and production sector.
Ðower industry, integrated electricity systems, Smart Grid, reliability

Kolmogorov V.V., Moscow
Innovation Component to Increase the Efficiency of Energy Sector
An energy sector is a base of any economy, and the future development of a country does depend on how this sector will be modernized. The paper considers the problems of modernization of Russian power industry and how to increase the efficiency of energy production. The analysis of the experience of introducing innovations to the Third Generating Company of the Wholesale Electricity Market is presented.
Reforms in an energy sector, fuel balance, technologies, equipment modernization, Third Generating Company of the Wholesale Electricity Market

Suslov N.I., Novosibirsk
Growth of Energy Efficiency of Siberian Economy: a Role of Energy Sector and Prices for Energy Factors
Paper discusses both the energy saving capacity in Siberian economy and the conditions promoting reduction of energy intensity. A forecast of energy efficiency change is presented as well.
Fuel and energy complex, Siberia, gross regional product, forecast

Churashev V.N., Markova V.M., Novosibirsk
Coal in 21 Centure: From Dark Past To Light Future
In article problems of coal branch, its evolution for last 20 years, a consequence of re-structuring are considered. Prospects of development, an opportunity of application of new technologies and directions of cooperation of authority and business are analysed.
Òhe coal industry, FEB, technologies of deep processing of coal, coal generation

Suslov V.I., Gorbacheva N.V., Kuznetsov A.V., Fursenko N.O., Novosibirsk
Technological Foresight of Coal Generation
In this article the authors apply the methodological principle of quantity comparison of the key characteristics to measure the level of the development of coal generation technologies. On the basis of coordinated expert views of experts and scientists it has been made the vivid picture of the contemporary state and perspectives of technological development of coal generation in megaregional space – Siberia, Russia and the World. This research has been based on the application of a number of methodological principles of foresight.
Òechnological modernization, Foresight, coal generation, development indicators

Voronov Yu.P., Novosibirsk
Electric Grids Modernization as Real Perspective for Russian Industry Revitalization
The article is attempt to consider what is smart electric grids are and to define possibilities of Russian enterprises on market sharing, when the market is not for them now.
Smart grids, electric nets modernization, electric energy quality, energy sources

Volkova I.O., Kobets B.B., Moscow
Distributed Generation and Implementation of the Smart Grid Concept
The authors conclude that the full-scale development of distributed generation should be combined with introducing Smart Grid technologies which allow having an integrated energy system provided with an intellectual management system.
Smart Grid, distributed generation, integration, micro nets

Suslov N.I., Novosibirsk
But the Questions Still Persist. Rather «Haw to do?» than «What to do?»

Ìodernization of electric power sector, «smart grids», foreign experience, coal generation, price policy

Cherkashina T.Yu., Novosibirsk
To Work Being of Retirement Age: Is It Necessity or Opportunity?
The paper describes some strategies of changing retirement age, a portrait of a working pensioner, and when persons of retirement age continue working, what advantages and disadvantages of this fact may be for such persons and country.
Changing retirement age, working pensioners, post-pension employment, qualification, labour market

Rozhdestvenskaya L.N., Novosibirsk
Labor Bread: How to Live for the Salary – Norms and a Reality
Article is devoted questions of interrelation of level of payment of the person, its food and health. The salary is a source for satisfaction of requirements for food. An estimation of these requirements and rationalization of norms of a food one of the functions which are carried out by the state. In article change of an indicator of purchasing capacity of salaries of workers and employees from the end of 18 centuries and is analysed up to now.
Grocery basket, the salary, availability of a food

Shabunova A.A., Malanicheva N.A., Vologda
Population Health and the Modern Economic Crisis
The article considers trends and features of the public health sector dynamics of its basic indicators is analysed. People’s health dependence on regional social and economic situation is shown on an example of the Vologda area.
Public health, economic crisis, life interval, death rate, sickness rate, health self-appraisal

Fomin D.A. , Novosibirsk 
Attempts to Reform is not Reformed 
How to change the Academy of Sciences and insert it into the context of a future life in Russia? The failure to create a new effective system of academic science writer relates to the conservation of all the principles and vices of the Stalinist model. In his view, reform of the RAS may not be earlier than the moment when to start a real upgrade.
Àcademic science, applied research, reform, economic growth, innovation 

Stupina E.E., Stupin I.A., Novosibirsk
The Relation Of The Russian Society To Technological Literacy
The authors represent the results of the research devoted to technological literacy. In particular, as the public understands technological literacy, an urgency of knowledge of technology in modern life, the relation of the public to technology.
Òechnology, technological literacy, technological education, technological process

Khanin G.I., Novosibirsk
Catherine II: does She Deserve Our Admiration?
The authors of the article titles as Economic Activity of Catherine II bravely tried to prove that, economically, Russia of the second half the XVIII century was not behind European countries and it even excelled some in many indicators. Did they succeed in their findings?
Russian economy in the XVIII century, Catherine II, social differentiation, economic growth, corruption in Russia

Anufrieva N.I., Voronova O.B., Novosibirsk
From Healthcare to Economics. Terms’ Adventures
The article is devoted for economic epistemology, sphere now badly known in Russia Specific aspects of categories import to one science to another are analyzed with nine categories transfer from healthcare to economics.
Terminology, healthcare, economics, crisis, inflation, recession, depression, collapse, shock, symptom, syndrome, sanitation