Summary ¹5 2011 ã.

Suslov V.I., Novosibirsk
No National Input-Output Tables, Blind Development
The interview discloses the essence of the input-output methodology. It also considers background, problems, and prospects of the methodology for the contemporary Russian economy.
Input-output analysis, input-output tables, input-output models

Masakova I.D., Moscow
Our Economy Needs Looking at Itself in the Mirror
The interview tells about the development of the input-output tables of the Russian economy for 2011 by the Russian Statistical Agency, Rosstat. The importance of this work and relevant problems are considered.
Input-output analysis, statistics, statistical survey

Melnikova L.V., Novosibirsk
Input-Output Tables: the Road to Nations’ Unity
The paper considers the wide use of input-output methodology in the statistical practice of foreign countries. It describes international efforts on achieving consistence between national input-output tables and the opportunities provided with the harmonization of international statistical data.
Input-output tables, statistics, statistical survey

Steenge A., Groningen, Netherlands
The Input-Output Methodology in the Netherlands
The interview considers organization and use of input-output tables in the Netherlands. It tells about the EU projects aimed to compilation of international tables. New lines of application of the input-output methodology are discussed.
Input-output methodology, macroeconomic models, globalization, hazard analysis

Temurshoev U., Groningen, Netherlands
WIOD: the World Input-Output Database
The paper considers construction and applications of the world input-output database, WIOD. The applications discussed are the analysis of development of global value chains, revealing factor content of international trade, analysis of greenhouse gases emission, stochastic input-output analysis, and application of the graph theory for analysing cross-sector relations.
WIOD database, globalization, input-output methodology, pollution

Ivanov L.A., Astana, Kazakstan
Seeming Simplicity of Balance
We should believe in the future progress of input-output method. In the postindustrial world the equilibrium theories have to be additionally focused on the disproportionalities, markets imperfectness and failures of governance.
Input-output analysis, interindustry balance, national economic accounting, economic crisis

Alekseev A.V., Novosibirsk
Russian and American National Development Strategies: Similar Goals, Different Methods
In the article Russian and American experience of setting and reaching long term national goals is discussed. The article presents the main economic goals that Russian Government and American Administration consider to be important; it also analyzes the strategies and methods of their progress. The critical appliance of American experience is proved to be effective in Russian strategic planning both on federal and local levels.
National development strategy, strategic planning methodology, strategic plan successfulness criteria, innovation and economic policy

Fomin D.A. , Novosibirsk 
Attempts to Reform is not Reformed 
How to change the Academy of Sciences and insert it into the context of a future life in Russia? The failure to create a new effective system of academic science writer relates to the conservation of all the principles and vices of the Stalinist model. In his view, reform of the RAS may not be earlier than the moment when to start a real upgrade.
Àcademic science, applied research, reform, economic growth, innovation 

Bogomolova T.Yu., Novosibirsk
Trajectories of Movement in the Space Between Poverty and Non-Poverty of the Russian Population in the 1990s and 2000s
This paper is to study the economic mobility trajectories of the Russian population in the last two decades, each of which has brought about both negative shocks and broadening of the opportunity horizons for people’s economic advancement. This research allows to obtain a deeper understanding of the nature of and the reasons for current social and economic changes, which enables us to encourage positive transformations in the future more effectively.
Åconomic stratification, economic mobility, poverty, social and economic changes

Travina I.A., Novosibirsk
“Academpark”: Innovation Landscape
“Academpark”, innovation, novation application, Summer business school for young inventors and researchers, production of new goods, based on novelties, HT-business Lyubimova E.V., Novosibirsk
Myths of Power Engineering
Problem aspects of the institutional environment of power engineering are analyzed – the account of expenses and outer effects in hydraulic power price, borders of the market, estimation of new building efficiency in power sector
Power engineering, ñost, market, mechanisms, management, development, building, efficiency

Kitushin V.G., Novosibirsk
The Problems of Power Industry Development
Conceptual aspects of power industry development problems are discussed. It is affirmed that the most problems in this sphere is connected with deficient definition of such key concepts, as development, innovation development, management of development, modern power industry etc. And the main thing in practical aspect is absence of their criterial descriptions. Other range of problems is caused by the unsystematic decision of usual tasks. All statements are illustrated by examples.
Development, innovation development, management, power industry

Mishura A.V., Novosibirsk
Natural Resource Rent and Interregional Inequality in Russia
In the paper the sources of interregional income and wage disparities are considered from the new economic geography and the resource rent distribution points of view. After analysis of nominal wage disparities in Russian regions we conclude that natural resource rent may be viewed as a reason of the interregional inequality. So improvements in the system of rent usage and distribution are needed.
Resource rent, new economic geography, Russian regions

Urazova S.A., Rostov-on-Don
Specificity of Activity of the Russian Credit Establishments During October Revolution 1917 ã. and Civil War
In this article data on activity of credit establishments are systematized during October revolution 1917ã. and civil war, including the bank policy of the Soviet authority, activity of National bank of RSFSR, and also credit establishments in territories not occupied with bolsheviks is characterized.
Bank, civil war, nationalization of banks, savings bank, credit cooperative society

Anufrieva N.I., Kuprianova O.B., Novosibirsk
From Healthcare to Economics. Terms’ Adventures
The article is devoted for economic epistemology, sphere now badly known in Russia Specific aspects of categories import to one science to another are analyzed with nine categories transfer from healthcare to economics.
Terminology, healthcare, economics, crisis, inflation, recession, depression, collapse, shock, symptom, syndrome, sanitation