Summary ¹8 2011 ã.

Nosachevskaja E.A., Kaliningrad
Preconditions and Complexities of Development of Scientific-technical and Innovative Potential in Russia
Modern problems of development of scientific-technical and innovative potential in Russia, a number of productivity indicators of a domestic science and innovative sector and problems connected to formation of purposes of subjects of innovative process are discussed in the article. Also a special attention is drawn to the external factors that negatively influence productivity of science including considerable problems in relation between science and private business sector its unwillingness financing innovative activities. Author states the necessity of preservation and further development of Russian science taking into account allocation of priority directions.
Innovative potential, domestic science, productivity, priority directions

Grasmik K.I., Terentyeva O.A., Omsk
Innovation Activity of Russian Small High-tech Enterprises
As it is shown by All-Russian and independently made surveys, sector of small high-tech enterprises develops quite slowly. Innovations of these enterprises are restrained not only with lack of financial resources, but also with shortage of market, technological information, imperfection of institutions, especially in public procurement and foreign economic activity. In order to develop small high-tech enterprise should intensively co-operate with larger company.
Innovations, innovation activity, small high-tech enterprises

Khalimova S.R., Novosibirsk
Influence of the Features of National Innovation System on Small Innovative Business Development
In this paper we analyze how the characteristics of national innovation system can influence the behavior of small innovative business. One of the parts of small innovative business study, conducted in Novosibirsk region and the state of Minnesota, is given in the paper. In this paper author discusses the influence of innovation system through the obstacles generated by the system.
National innovation system, small innovative business

Melnikova L.V., Novosibirsk
The Use of Input-Output Principle at Micro Level
The paper is devoted to the potential scope of the use of input-output methodology at the firm level. Possible applications in the fields of financial accounting, process flow analysis, administrative management, and strategic planning are presented.
Input-output tables, enterprise, input-output approach, financial accounting

Udaiov F.E., Nizhniy Novgorod
Market Economy. – And whether there is Other?
In article in debatable aspect it is ascertained that any economy is market. Necessity of the state intervention for economic processes is proved. Affirms that the market main task to be the supplier of the information necessary for production managers for acceptance of corresponding decisions.
À supply and demand, «market» and «not market» economy, distributive levers

Yevseyenko A.V., Ogryzko K.V., Novosibirsk
A Society without Cash Money: New Possibilities and Prospects
In this work we consider modern concept of transition toward «Cashless Society» (Society without cash money) or «Digital Cashless Economy» model. Some of authors prove, that this transition (at full displacement of cash) will mean qualitative leap and create possibilities for «breakthrough» in many directions. Thus particular hopes are pinned on achievement of «breakthrough» in struggle against all principal types of criminality, based upon cash money. Novelty of our approach consists that we prove possibility of realization of «Cashless Society» model locally in large cities while it have usually been considered at the level of all national economy. Besides, «Cashless Society» is considered as a component of more general concept of transition from anonymous («pseudonymous») forms toward personalized ones within the framework of «information society» creation.
Ñash, electronic money, Cashless Society, Digital Cashless Economy, electronic «cache», anonymous and nominal forms of money, information society

Gorbunov K.N., Novosibirsk
The Banks and Telecommunication Companies: New Products and New Possibilities
There is evident development trend of the mobile business in the world which direct to enhancement of banking services granting. Operators of cellular communication and payment systems will inevitably enter alliances with banks by means of developing system cooperation1. In the article these problems are considered on an example of adoption of Federal system «Gorod» and the Universal electronic card.
Bank technologies, mobile banking, system cooperation, universal electronic card, e-cash.

Zapivalov N. P., Novosibirsk
Peat Resources of Siberia – Untouched Assets Under Foot
Peat and other organic-mineral raw material in swamps and lakes present unique asset for humanity. We have this depositary in enormous amounts in Siberia and it lies «under foot», on the surface. There is no need of deep-wells and mines or any super expensive equipment. Development of peat resources in Siberia are absolutely failed for now. The reserves of peat are huge, but there is no any peat digging enterprise in the Novosibirsk, Omsk and Tomsk areas. Here are enormous possibilities for small and middle business, and also for large companies. In central Russia some revival registers in this context.
Ðeat, resources of Russia and Siberia, peat energy, use of peat, geological production company «Novosibirskgeologiya»

Alklychev A.M., Zoidov K.KH., Machachkala, Moscow
Value and Railway Transportation Prospects in Business of Infrastructural Maintenance of Territorial Development of Siberia and the Far East
The article examines the main areas of railway maintenance of regional development of Siberia and the Far East: transport services of export and import cargo, construction of new railways and others. Shown that the increase of transit facilities in this region takes place in the competitive market infrastructural projects.
Market economy, transport and trazitny potential financing of infrastructure projects, modernization of the economy, public-private partnership

Devyatkova O.T., Korovina A.E., Tyumen
The Role of Small Business in Develop Local Goverment
The results of an analysis of small enterprise performance in Tyumen Oblast are given in this article. The problems in the small enterprise sector and local government are exposed. Special role of small business is revealed as a perspective reserve for economic growth local government.
Small business, local government, Tyumen Oblast, Ishimsky metropolitan region

Vasiyan R.I., Vyatskieye Polyany
On the Problems of Single-Industry Russian Cities
The problems of the functioning and development of so-called single-industry towns. Clarifies the notion of single-industry towns. On the example of a specific object shows the possible direction of reviving its economy and increase employment levels in the implementation plan for an innovative development single-industry towns
Monotown, enterprises forming a company town, labour productivity, production drop

Kalugina Z.I., Arsentieva N.M., Kharchenko I.I., Volchkova A.A., Novosibirsk
Manpower Policy Under Innovation Development
The paper considers the problems of building-up the specialists’ competence in the context of their adequacy to the innovation economics, using the example of IT-companies in Novosibirsk region.
Manpower policy, expected and real competences, building-up the specialists’ competence, innovation development

Efimova E.A., Moscow
From History of Development of Regional Labour Markets in Russia
The author considers the basic stages of development of regional labor markets in Russia in imperial Russia, the USSR and the Post-Soviet period. On the basis of the content-analysis of legal base and historical documents features of regional labor markets formation of Russia on each of stages are defined.
Market, Labor, Region, Province, Employment, History, Regulation

Cement P. Å., Aleshchenko V.V., Omsk
Competitiveness of Enterprise Activity in Building Branch.
In article questions of competitive development of the enterprises of a building complex in modern conditions are considered. The state of affairs in building branch is analysed, approaches to competitiveness increase are considered, practical recommendations about technological upgrade of the enterprises are given.
Ñompetitiveness, building, business, technologies