Summary ¹9 2011 ã.

Suspitsyn S.A., Novosibirsk
Realities and Alternatives of the Development of Siberia
The paper gives the analysis of features of social-economic evolution of Siberia and its regions. Two scripts of the spatial structure development of national and Siberian economy are described. One of them is the ingoing of Russia into the category of developed countries, another one is based on the self-development potential of regions. Quantitative assessments are given.
Siberia, state region policy, scripts, genetic script, modernization, spatial transformations

Friedman Yu.A., Rechko G.N., Novosibirsk
Kuzbass: Structural Solitaire
Market with its new institutions «breaks» even such severe structural design as the economy of Kuzbass. The monetization of regional resources ongoing and planned in the future can lead to Kuzbass region with a high level of competitiveness.
Kuzbass, reproductive structure of the economy, structural pyramid, basic industries, «Non-profile» industries, competitiveness, monetization, development strategy

Glazyrina I.P., Faleychik A.A., Faleychik L.M., Chita
China’s Border in the Context of Investment Processes
In this paper we present the analysis of the influence of near-border effect on investment processes in Russian regions. This study has been elaborated with the use of multi-dimensional cluster analysis. Eastern near-border regions are in the two lowest clusters on per capita investment from all sources. One can see the same in respect to foreign investments. «Near-border» effect did not change the general tendency of the fall of these regions behind an average level in Russia. Our analysis shows that institutional barriers in the regional development are so strong that even near-border comparative advantages and rich natural assets do not help to overcome them.
Investment processes, near-border regions

Popkov Yu.V., Novosibirsk
Russian Northern Aboriginal Peoples in the Global and Regional Context
At present when the Arctic became a field of a fierce geopolitical struggle, Aboriginal problems turn to be especially urgent. Unfortunally, despite the international legal and regulation documents adopted, at times the counties regard the Aboriginal cultures as those of little importance today, and moreover, Aboriginal peoples – as an obstacle to industrial development of territories.
Northern Aboriginal peoples, special rights, integration into modern society

Voronov Yu.P., Novosibirsk
Non-Government Siberia Management
Russia won’t be able to maintain her sovereignty on Russian Asia for long times without urgent measures, with our passive seeing for population outflow and diminishing of orders for Siberian and Far-Eastern enterprises. The author researches experience of Kamchatka Stock Society, Russian-American company, Hudson Bay company, Ost-ndian companies and suggests idea that there is no ways for new territories developing besides non-government. Government structures can to order this development, bur real driver is commercial interest only.
Siberia developing, Far East developing, Kamchatka Stock Society, Russian-American company, Hudson Bay company, Ost-Indian companies, Dalstroi, state corporations

Klistorin V.I., Novosibirsk
About Programs in General and Siberian Development Programs in Particular
The author speculates about why numerous Siberian development programs failed. Strategy, program, population size, forecasting time–frame, tax system, transfers, level of proficiency of public officers

Bogomyakov G.P, Tyumen
Real Work of the Century
When the West-Siberian oil-and-gas area appeared in a map of the world in the sixties of the XX century, this event was treated as a discovery of the century. However, to develop such ample reserves of hydrocarbon meant to develop practically unpopulated territory of taiga, swamps and tundra in the North of the Tyumen Oblast alone – the territory which is equal to four territories of France. Moreover, it was required to construct not only the surface oil field facilities but also thousands of kilometers of pipelines, roads and power lines – in other words, everything which is called the production infrastructure. In addition we were to construct cities and towns with comfortable homes. It is no exaggeration to say that to implement the project of such a scale – the world have never seen before – and within an unprecedented time period is a real work of the century. A significant part of the leader burden fell on Gennady Pavlovich Bogomyakov, Prime Secretary of the Tyumen Oblast Committee of the Communist Party who was eighty years of age on June 30, 2010. Here a journal version of his memoirs is presented.
West-Siberian Oil-and-Gas Complex, resources, Nizhneobskaya hydropower plant, Dutch disease

Aganbegyan A.G., Moscow
Successes and Failures at the Oil-and-Gas Front
In this interview, the author presents his opinion on how the project for building the West-Siberian Oil-and-Gas Complex was implemented.
West-Siberian Oil-and-Gas Complex, oil production rates, shift works, social policy, strategy, recovery process

Zabelina I.A., Klevakina Å.À., Chita
Ecological and Economic Aspects of Natural Use and Problems of International Co-Operation in Siberian Rtgions
In this paper we analyzed economic development and environmental trends of Siberian regions based on the extensive statistical materials. The results of this analyze allowed us to find significant inequality between regions for economic development and environmental intensity distribution. In addition, the important task this article was estimation of economic prospects in international co-operation context.
Åconomic growth, region, international co-operation, environmental pressure, interregional inequality

Koleda A.V., Semykina I.O., Novosibirsk
Novosibirsk and Region: What Will the Hypertrophied Growth of Services give us?
The paper considers the assessment of the impact of rapid growth of services on the manufacturing sector of the Novosibirsk city and region. The specially developed method is used to determine growth points within each of them. Using constructed matrix of coupling industries that can be an engine of development of other sectors are identified.
Novosibirsk region, servicing sector, manufacturing sector, matrix of coupling

Dragunova E.V., Fink T.A., Novosibirsk
Medium-Sized Enterprises in Russia – Reality and Perspectives
The article considers the main trends of medium-sized enterprises development in Russia in the XXI century. The problems of identification, the functional importance for economy, structural changes in Russian Federation Regions are investigated; the classification of Russian Federation Regions by medium-sized enterprises development level is suggested.
Features of medium-sized enterprises in Russia, typology of Russian Regions, dynamics of indicators of medium-sized enterprises