Summary ¹10 2011 ã.

Aganbegyan A.G., Moscow
How long to live and to be healthy

Russia, healthy, ìortality population

Bochkareva V.K., Moscow
Reformation of the Health Care System and Ensuring Equal Access to Free of Charge Health Services
The article analyses health reforms in three directions: transition to compulsory health insurance, realization of the policy for reduction of hospitals beds and physicians, reformation of the inter-budgetary relations. There is one common feature uniting these directions: ignoring the necessity to insure accessibility of free of charge medical services to all population strata; scrappiness of the reforms and contradictoriness of their directions; lack of socio-economic substantiation of the necessary expenditure and of the efficiency of realized measures. The author draws a conclusion that as a result of the reforms in the health care system has arisen a crisis situation.
Ñompulsory health insurance; state guarantees; hospital-substituting technologies, medical preventive institutions (LPI), density of population, inter-budgetary relations

Zozulya Uy.V., Novosibirsk
We need to anticipate events

High-tech medical aid, cardio-cardiovascular surgery, Novosibirsk Scientific Research Institute of Pathology circulation of the blood

Roik V.D., Moscow
Improving Russian Medical Insurance
The paper considers the structure of Russian obligatory medical insurance – its economic aspects, specific institutions, financial models, distribution of resources, and institutional incompleteness. The author’s proposals on how to improve economic mechanisms are presented.
Îbligatory medical insurance, health, financial models

Bàtievskaya V.B., Kemerovo
National Priority Projects   – Were you Satisfied with the Results?
Implementation of priority national projects did not produce the desired results. Activities were not effective and were not reinforcing each other. The reason: lack of proper institutional foundations, which manifests itself in an imperfect planning, regulation, lack of necessary information environment and in a complex multi-channel financing scheme.
Ðroject management, planning, regulation, information environment, finance

Bozo N.V., Shmat V.V., Novosibirsk
Monopoly games in the Russian oil and gas sector
In the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, published more than 30 years ago, argues that «capitalist oil industry is the domain of powerful monopolies». Strangely enough, but this very ideological «stamp», which, like, should be thrown to «the dustbin of history» perfectly accurately reflects the current situation in the Russian oil and gas sector. The whole course of its development in post-Soviet period is also the process of development and strengthening the power of the largest companies in the spirit of the well-known board game called «Monopoly».
Oil and gas sector, monopoly, monopolism, oligopoly, cartel, market dominance, section of the market, price collusion, concentration and centralization, natural monopoly, corporation, vertically integrated company, antitrust, competition, competitive.

Korel L.V., Kombarov V. Yu., Novosibirsk
The Quality of Working Life in the Modern Industrial Enterprise (Results of Sociological Research of Engineers)
The article introduce the reader to the results of a sociological survey of the quality of working life in the Russians industrial enterprises. Concludes that the modern, relatively advanced industrial enterprises is still present outdated social practices, institutions and processes that are alien to the ideas of justice, humanization and democratization of labor, which affects not only the quality of working life, no prospects and the realization of Russia’s modernization project.
Quality of working life, industrial plant, modernization, socio-culture of labor

Kolennikova O. A., Moscow
The Russian Enterprises in the Conditions of Crisis: Opinion of Heads of the Enterprises
Article is based on results of the questionnaire of heads of the Russian enterprises within the limits of 56th session of the International ñlub of directors. The opinion of directors was found out in three major directions: 1) as crisis has affected position of the enterprises; 2) whether it was possible to take any measures for softening of negative influence and if it was possible what exactly; 3) what state role in formation of conditions in which it would be easier to enterprises to follow a way of steady postcrisis development.
The International club of directors, interrogation of heads of the enterprises, influence of crisis on position of the Russian enterprises

Voronov Yu.P., Novosibirsk
Non-Government Siberia Management
Russia won’t be able to maintain her sovereignty on Russian Asia for long times without urgent measures, with our passive seeing for population outflow and diminishing of orders for Siberian and Far-Eastern enterprises. The author researches experience of Kamchatka Stock Society, Russian-American company, Hudson Bay company, Ost-Indian companies and suggests idea that there is no ways for new territories developing besides non-government. Government structures can to order this development, bur real driver is commercial interest only.
Siberia developing, Far East developing, Kamchatka Stock Society, Russian-American company, Hudson Bay company, Ost-Indian companies, Dalstroi, state corporations

Zhigulsky G.V., Novosibirsk
How System of Taxation Influences the Innovation Process at a Simulated Industrial Enterprise
The paper concerns the methodical issues of how to reason at the micro-level whether innovations introduced are effective or not, and meanwhile the issue of the macro-level could not to be avoided – the author talks about improving the system of taxation for enterprises.
System of taxation, industrial enterprise, innovations, proposals on the improvement of the taxation system

Kostyleva L.V., Okulova N.A., Vologda
Identification of the Middle Class
A number of ways of definition of quantity of middle class with application of various criteria concerning the all-Russian standards of life is tested in the research. As a result optimum borders of middle class are revealed, its quantity is determined and social characteristics of its representatives in a context of a typical region of Russian Federation are given.
The middle class, criteria, social characteristics

Melnikov V.P., Melnikova L.V., Novosibirsk
Corruption in Pre-Soviet Russia and Efforts on its Restriction
The corruption in Russia’s system of public authorities is rooted in remote past, mainly at XV–XVII centuries, when the type of polity, the system of power structures and state machineries were forming. Corruption phenomena in the young state were caused by the complex of reasons among which the political, economic, legal and moral factors were of special significance.
Ñorruption, struggle with bribery, State employees