Summary ¹11 2011 ã.

Tompson V.
RF Innovation System: OECD’s Analysis
This presentation was made within the framework of the Symposium on Regional Innovation Systems and National Innovation Policy at the Interra-2011 Forum, and it presents a summary of the OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy prepared by the experts of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development at the RF Government’s request. A goal of the Reviews is to analyze a current innovation system in Russia and to compare its world investment rating with those of other countries through applying a common OECD technique. Some fragments of the presentation are citied.
Innovation, patents, scientific output, R&D, national innovation system

Untura G.A., Novosibirsk
Innovations Territories: Enlarged Spectrum of Capacities
The paper presents the data about a size and the sectors of the Governmental support for innovations. The paper discusses quantitative and qualitative methods of assessment as well as the legal innovations aimed at regulation of innovation activities.
Innovations territories, cluster, authorities, financing sources, criteria, indicator, science, education, Association of Russian Innovation Regions, economic partnership, investment partnership

A New Step in the Development of Koltsovo Science City
The issues of building a pharmaceutical cluster on the base of the bio-techopark were discussed at the round table with Major for Koltsovo Science City Mr. Krasnikov, his Deputy Mrs. Gumerova and top managers of the research-and production enterprises.
Bio-techopark, «Vector» Company, bio-technologies, business incubator, Koltsovo Science City, innovation business

Starkov A.V., Novosibirsk
Technopark in Novosibirsk: Materialization Has Started!
Technopark, innovations, innovation forum, small science-intensive business, business incubator

Komarov Yu.A., Novosibirsk
Public-Private Partnership for the Investment Projects Implementation in Malaysia and the Novosibirsk Region: Comparative Analysis
On the example of major investment project of the Novosibirsk region, the industrial logistics park, the author shows the formation of the necessary public-private institutions to develop the project. The measures already taken are supported by the study of contemporary experience of developing countries, particularly, Malaysia, which effectively applies the parks ideology in its economic development.
Investment project, technopolice, Malaysia, Malaysian Industrial Development Authority, Multimedia Super Corridor, Iskandar Development Region (IDR), public-private institutions, information and communications technologies

Safaraliev G.K., Berdashkevich A.P., Moscow
About the Legal Status of an Academic Science
In professional environment lowyers and representatives sciencist-education of community of Russia the discussion of the legal status of state academies of sciences and subordinated organizations proceeds. Last changes were brought in to these documents in 2011. Present now definition of the legal status of state academies of sciences is not final – simply more suitable analogue for expression of a legal mode of functioning of academies of sciences and use of academic property while is not present.
State academy of sciences, legal status

Bozo N.V., Shmat V.V., Novosibirsk
Monopoly games in the Russian oil and gas sector
In the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, published more than 30 years ago, argues that «capitalist oil industry is the domain of powerful monopolies». Strangely enough, but this very ideological «stamp», which, like, should be thrown to «the dustbin of history» perfectly accurately reflects the current situation in the Russian oil and gas sector. The whole course of its development in post-Soviet period is also the process of development and strengthening the power of the largest companies in the spirit of the well-known board game called «Monopoly».
Oil and gas sector, monopoly, monopolism, oligopoly, cartel, market dominance, section of the market, price collusion, concentration and centralization, natural monopoly, corporation, vertically integrated company, antitrust, competition, competitive.

Barsukova S.Yu., Moscow
Lest «Rivers of Milk and …» Should Shallow
The paper considers the world and Russian markets of milk products as well as the specifics of dairy production. Unfortunally, the dynamics of production and consumption of milk and milk products is hardly to be regarded as optimistic.
Milk and milk products market, food market, dairy production

Baranov A.O., Novosibirsk
Russian Balance of Payments: from Crises to Crises
Russian balance of payments and its main accounts’ dynamics after 1998 crises is analyzed in the paper. Main factors which determined money flows between Russia and the rest of the world is analyzed in the paper.
Balance of payments, Russian economy

Khanin G.I., Novosibirsk
About Advantages of Alternative Evaluations
Over the years our journal published the alternative appraisals of the Russian economy made by Prof. Khanin way back in the soviet time where he threw discredit upon the official statistics – many can remember his article «Cunning Statistics» written in co-authorship with V. Selyunin and published in the «Novy Mir» magazine (Russia). As for his alternative assessment of replacement value of the Russian industrial assets in 2006–2008 which was published in his article in «ECO»(Vol.1, 2011), Prof. N. Suslov responded to it in the same volume. Recognizing the role the quality of statistics can play in choosing strategic priorities, we publish here the polemic between these authors concerning the methodology of data collection and interpretation (the abridged materials are presented).
Net capital stock, gross capital stock, alternative evaluations, investments, transition to the new technologies

Suslov N.I., Novosibirsk
Who are you, Mister Khanin?
In the comments being published both the alternative estimations of the value of fixed assets in industrial sphere of Russian economy provided by Dr. of economics G. Khanin and his suggestions on the change in economic policy based on those estimations are analized.
Statistics, alternative estimations, depreciation of fixed assets in industry, value of fixed capital stock, AMECO methodology

Belichenko S.A., Novosibirsk
A Reality of Chemical Genocide in Russia
The paper insists that food products, water and medications in Russia proved to be seriously dangerous for health as they contain hazardous substances. To build a national system providing chemical security is an urgent need today.
Ñhemical genocide, national system of chemical security, control of substances hazardous to health, safe medications

Shpak A.S., Tsyplenkova M.V., Vladivostok
Current State and Development Trends of Timber Industry Complex of Primorskyi Region
The current state of timber industry complex of Primorskyi region is being analyzed in the article, the basic trends of its development are being allocated and considering.
Òimber industry complex, export, import, timber cutting, woodworking, ðulp and paper industry, exploitation reserves, financial result, fixed capital stock, investments

Shuklov L.V., Moscow
Financial Aspects of Motivation Systems Development: Potential Problems
Leading Russian companies make more frequent efforts of motivation systems development which can connect work each member of company staff with strategic goals of the company using key performance indicators (so called KPI). After implementation of such systems economic benefits of using it usually less then control and development costs. Article presents information about comparative financial analysis of different motivation instruments, their cost and using conditions. Major obstacles which reduce economic benefits of motivation systems use are identified. As a result a technology of cost minimization in a process of motivation systems development is suggested.
Material inducement, key performance indicators, KPI implementation problems, company life-cycle, cost of non-financial motivation

Ustinova Yà.I., Shaposhnikov A.A., Novosibirsk
Creative Account: Creative Approach or Frank Swindle
This article discerns the question about the idea of creative account. There is analysis of term «creative account», the factors, which promote to its development and the results of its using. The article describes advantages and defects of the creative account. As the result in this article has made the deduction about the reasons of the weak and slow evolution the creative account in Russian Federation nowadays.
Creative account, factors, which promote to creative account development, advantages and defects of the creative account, the «triangle of the swindling», financial statement, balance policy, true and fair view

Klistorin V.I., Novosibirsk
Are the Russian National Character and Modernization Compatible?
The author discusses a popular thesis that national character determines the dynamics of socio-economic development, and he comes to conclusion that the deterministic models of social development, which are based on environmental peculiarities and historical experience, can be regarded as those of limited application and explanatory capacity.
National character, cultural diversity, geographical determinism, historical experience, economic policy, modernization