Summary ¹2 2012 ã.

Zorkaltsev V.I., Kuzevanova E.N., Irkutsk
Glorious Sea – Pleasing Baikal
This article gives a brief description of Lake Baikal and the Baikal natural territory as a regional model of the objects of sustainable development, estimated the development of regional environmental component of education, the possibility of economic evaluation of use of resources of Lake Baikal.
Lake Baikal, a World Natural Heritage, drinking water resources, tourism and recreational resources, the regional component of education, the area of sustainable development

Korytny L.M., Irkutsk
Baikalsk Paper and Pulp Mill: Ecological Series
«For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo…». These Shakespearian lines are just asking to be used in lieu of the epigraph. The national vast expanses have not yet seen any other «longer-playing» and sadder story than the situation with the Baikal Paper and Pulp Mill (BPPM). It has been holding as «hostages» several generations of BPPM workers and inhabitants of the city of Baikalsk; many of them are not among the living already, and others have grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
And this all has continued for more than 50 (!) years now. «Things haven’t budged an inch». The BPPM, as before, is in operation, discharging waste waters into Baikal and polluting the atmosphere along Baikal’s shores.
Baikal, ecology, Baikalsk Paper and Pulp Mill, Academy of Sciences

Kuzmin M.I., Kuznetsova A.N., Irkutsk
Scientists on Lake Baikal
The article introduces the scientific, expert and coordination activity of the Scientific Council of SB RAAS concerning the problems of Lake Baikal aimed at protecting of this unique lake, solving environmental problems and economic development of adjacent areas.
Lake Baikal, Baikal natural area, ecology, gasification, scientific council of SB RAS

Roik V.D., Moscow
The Russian Pension Reform: There is a Need of a Concept of the Social Contract between Generations in the XXI Century
The current changes of a demographic, economic and social situation taken place in Russia cause the system problems of the pensions system the solving of which requires a new pension scheme and regulation of social and economic relations concerning retirement income security. We propose evaluating a social contract between generations at the micro- and macro-levels. As for actuarial calculations, there is a set of, so called, twin indicators such as the incomes and expenditures or the labour contributions and retirement incomes.
Social contract between generations, retirement insurance, pensions systems, labour and retirement periods

Kuracheva N.V., Saint-Petersburg
Elderly People Life Guality: Raising Resources
We discuss elderly people life quality problems in this article, problems of people, society and state adaptation to a new population structure.  Also we offer ways how to raise quality of elderly people life, including meical-social additional insurance programms.
Elderly people life quality, pension, medical and geriatric insurance elderly people life quality: raising resources

Shiryaeva Ye.M., Moscow
Reforming a System of Early Retirement Pensions
The paper considers the problems of financing early both retirement pensions paid due to labour in harmful conditions or in the northern regions of Russia and long service pensions under an increasing number of persons of retirement age.
Level of retirement incomes, early retirement pensions, life expectancy, pensions reform

Kibovskaya S. V., Moscow
Ways of Perfection of System of the Preschedule Provision of Pensions to the Russian Federation
In article the modern condition of a preschedule provision of pensions in the Russian Federation is considered, the basic problems and lacks come to light, offers Minzdravsocrazvitiya, the Center of strategic workings out and scientific community within the limits of carried out pension reform and working out of the Program of long–term development of pension system of the Russian Federation till 2050 are analyzed
Preschedule provision of pensions, pension reform, preferential lists

Saifieva S.N., Moscow
Russia’s Financial and Fiscal Policy: Current Status and Prospects
Article purpose – to analyze spent by the Government budgetary both a tax policy and to estimate the forecast of development of the Russian economy for 2012–2014, executed by the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of economic development and trade of the Russian Federation. The offers directed on increase of efficiency of a financial policy and sphere of the taxation are developed.
Ðublic finance, budget revenues and expenditures, gross domestic product, government debt, taxes

Balabin A.À., Novosibirsk
Russian Banking – Quo Vadis?
Undeveloped and unstable banking system still continues to be an obstacle of Russia’s economic development. As demonstrated in the article the sizes of most domestic banks still do not meet the needs of largest enterprises operated in real sector. This situation makes inevitable the further consolidation of the banks and their quantitative reduction. Based on international comparisons, the reasonable number of large banks and their assets amount were estimated and the modern consequences of the concentration of banking capital in Russia were analyzed.
Russian bank, banking of large enterprises, concentration of banking capital, bank regulations, rating

Smirnov V.D., Novosibirsk
Is There Need of Tax Accounting?
The author presents his cogent arguments against a special tax accounting of a tax base for profit but obligatory for commercial enterprises under the RF Tax Code, Art. 25 as he finds this redundant. The same information is kept on the enterprise’s accounting records files with the only distinction between definitions of revenues and expenditures as well as the sizes of a few types. Such distinctions are few in number, and a list of them is well known. Thus, any tax base for profit could be shown through calculating impact of these distinctions on profit received before taxation and submitting the calculation in the form of a reference.
Tax accounting, legal status, regional status

Dezhina I. G., Moscow
Evaluation of Government Science Policy Measures in Russia
The article analyzes major approaches in government science policy in Russia which were implemented during the last several years. The discussion of science policy problems is concentrated around three directions – financing for scientific research, workforce policy, and organizational changes aimed to integrate research and education. It is demonstrated that a number of perspective measures were initiated however their practical application has multiple shortages and omissions. This leads to ineffective use of resources that were assigned for implementation of the science policy measures.
Government science policy, financing of science, scientific workforce, diaspora, research universities

Sokolov A.V., Novosibirsk
Siberian Defense Industry: Socio-Economic Consequences of Reforms
The process of reforming of Russian defense industry has been going on for more than 20 years. The article considers main features of the current state of industry development and specific characteristics of the Siberian defense industry.
Defense industry, Siberian companies, pricing

Matovykh E.A., Novosibirsk
Modern Trendsin Towns’ and City Systems’ Development
Òhe author’s view on modern trends in towns’ and cities’ systems development is presented in this article. Researcher looks at urbanization process in Russia, defines its historical reasons and connection with social-economic reforms, which had been realizing in our country during the last ten years. Within the limits of publication the experience of the foreign countries is presented. The author formulates her own conclusions about prospects in settlement system development in Russia in future.
Òown, city, cities system, agglomeration, satellite town, settlement system