Summary ¹4 2012 ã.

Fomin D.A., Novosibirsk
Old age, Economics, Demography
The author raises the possibilities and prospects of the Russian pension system independence on the economic and demographic factors. These factors are well known. However, their impact on the financial situation of older poorly understood. The author in his article attempts to remedy this lack of mass consciousness.
Pension, social security, demography, modernizing, the Pension Fund

Gabdulkhakov R.R., Surgut
Pensions in the Russian North: Problems and Solutions under the Reform of Pensions
The paper considers the issues of pension system in the Russian North, the Northern living conditions and social security, standard of living, basic parameters and main problems of the pension system for such areas, and possible way of their solution.
Northern population, pension system, social risks, Northern regions

Yakushev Ye.L., Moscow
Accessing Risks of Old Age
The Most Important Actuarial Method to Improve Pension Systems The paper considers the methods to assess risks of old age and actuarial methods to analyze the basic factors which make a pension system balanced such as a pensioners-employees ratio, the working life-retirement periods, a wage-pension ratio, and the disability and senility probabilities.
Social risks, actuarial methods for assessing pension systems

Korhonen V., Helsinki, Finland
Russian Statistics: à View from Outside
This article highlights needs to improve the availability of Russian economic statistics, both in terms of substance and technically, from the viewpoint of a dedicated data user engaged in monitoring, analysis and forecasting of the Russian economy. It discusses problems caused by the absence of some essential information, insufficient length of time series, publication of percent change only without providing data on levels, and a number of other problems.
GDP, import statistics, wage statistics, seasonal adjustment, data representation

Zubarevich N.V., Moscow
«Cunning Figures» on the Map of Russia
The article considers problems of the Russian regional statistics caused by objective and subjective factors. These are large scale of the shadow economy, insufficient regional sample of Rosstat’s surveys, imperfections of methodology of adjustment for unobservable phenomena, misreporting aiming to obtain desirable results, and the fact that methods of adjustment for differences in regional price levels are insufficiently developed.
Regional statistics, personal income, adjustment for unobservable phenomenon, gross regional product

Zaitseva Yu.S., Moscow
Gross Regional Product: what and how we Measure
The topic of the article is the methodology of evaluating gross regional product. Its strong and weak points are discussed as well as possibilities to use this indicator for analysis, forecasting, and decision-making.
Gross regional product, region, cross-region comparison

Kirichenko I.A., Smirnov A.V., Moscow
The Accuracy of Estimates of Capital Investments
The paper considers accuracy of monthly, quarterly and annual statistical evaluation of fixed asset investment. It proposes improvements of the statistical reporting methodology regarding volume and dynamics of fixed asset investment.
Investment, fixed capital, statistical methodology, data adequacy

Belousova S.V., Irkutsk
Wood as the Federal Property and Problems îf its Management (on an Example of the Irkutsk Region)
Forestry problems in the Irkutsk region are studied in the light of realization of functions of management by wood as by the federal property in article. The general and private reasons of crisis position in wood branch of region are established. Necessity of presence of norms and frameworks of its functioning within the limits of the public property regulated by public sector is established for an effective utilization by state ownership.
Forestry problems, federal and state ownership, property management

Faskhiev Kh.A., Ufa
Whether Russia,s Accession the World Trade Organization on Motor Industry of the Country?
Russia’s accession to the World Trade Organization conditions are considered. It is noticed that at decrease in the customs duties on lorries growth of sales volume of import trucks in the Russian market of 12–23% is expected, and in the market of cars tendencies established in last years will remain. The basic share of the market will belong to import cars of the Russian assemblage, and the share of import of new cars will decrease.
The lorry, the car, the market, the World Trade Organization, the price, import, the duty

Lavrovskiy B.L., Murzov I.A., Novosibirsk
Innovative Development and Reserve Fund
Technological modernization of the economy requires a huge investment. The Stabilization Fund provides a high reliability of the state financial system. Simultaneously the result of the excessive scales of reserves will inevitably become conservation of existing technologies. Decisions regarding the volume of the Reserve Fund should be supplemented by evaluation of long-term consequences.
Innovative development, reserve fund, technological modernization

Fadeev A.M., Cherepovitsyn A.E., Larichkin F.D., Apatity
Effective Instruments of the Competativness Increasing of Russian Suppliers for Oil & Gas Industry at the Development of the Arctic Hydrocarbon Fields
Article shows the spectrum of questions of economic interaction between operators of the Arctic shelf development projects and suppliers of goods and services for oil and gas industry. Authors have analyzed the economic multiplicative effect appearing due to involving the regional industry into development of oil and gas projects. The basic directions for effective positioning companies as suppliers for oil and gas industry are specified same as effective representing of the enterprise’s industrial possibilities during interaction with operators of the projects. Considerable attention has been paid for creation of oil and gas clusters on the territories of the new extracting regions as one of the most effective and prospective form of the companies-suppliers economic interests consolidation.
Suppliers, oil and gas industry, Arctic shelf, clusters, hydrocarbon resources

Kotyrlo E.S., Umeå, Sweden
Social Contract as a System Element of Social Policy
The paper considers social contract as a tool for making an effective social policy. On the example of the evolution of the northern Soviet social policy, and social policy of the transition and market periods an illustration for understanding of the social contract as a mechanism of human development management has been provided.
Social contract, northern social contract