Summary ¹5 2012 ã.

Nikkonen A.I., St. Petersburg
Venture Capital – a Jumping-off Point for Business
The paper analyzes what conditions could attract venture capitals to innovation business, and how to harmonize the interests of business and investors.
Venture capital, innovation project

Interview with a member of RAS V.E. Zakharov, USA
The Once Globally Renown Science Can Be Revived
Interview with a corresponding member of RAS, doctor of biological sciences S.V. Netesov, Novosibirsk We don’t Need Revolutions, what We Want is Evolution Gudkov F.A., Moskow
Investments into the Innovations or Russian «Investment Roulette»
In article are considered problems of the innovative investments, characterized by the raised risks and tools for accumulation the means for venture investments in particular, the «Investment Partnership».
Òhe innovative investor, financing innovative projects, the law «About Investment Partnership«

Gladkikh I., St. Petersburg
Venture Funds in the Context of Integration Processes
The focus of the author’s attention is the issues of taxation of venture investments under the context of globalization, and what could be done to build institutions of venture entrepreneurship.
Venture investments, taxation, investment partnership, closed-end fund

Donchenko A.S., Kalichkin V.K., Sverchkov S.R., Novosibirsk
The Project «Baraba» as an Example of the High-Technology Territorial Cluster in Siberia
The article discusses the idea of the project «Baraba», the basic meaning of which is the creation of high-tech agricultural territorial cluster in the Novosibirsk and Omsk regions. The article can serve as the beginning of the discussion of innovative projects of the regeneration Siberian economy.
Ðroject «Baraba», high-tech agricultural territorial cluster, food products

Bukharova E.B., Samusenko S.A., Vcherashnyi P.M., Krasnoyarsk
Process Heterogeneity of the Regional Economics: Innovative Development Outlooks and Risks
The article considers the ratio of process structures in Russia and Krasnoyarsk krai, discusses the opportunities to increase innovation activity and transition to advanced technologies.
Ðrocess structure, the share of innovative products, the transition to advanced process structures

Pryanichnikov D., Moscow
Financing Innovative Companies – from State Support to IPO
This article contains short comparative analyses of historical process of creation system of financing innovative companies – based on experience of USA and Russia and the role of Government in creation of technology sector. Moreover the article describes examples of creation of successful companies and their strategies of going public (IPO) and analyses experience of Russian stock exchange platform for innovative companies.
Innovation, venture capital transfer, Silicon Valley, IPO – Initial Public Offering

Valieva O.V., Novosibirsk
Human Resources for Innovative Companies: Values and Orientations
The article presents the results of the survey participants of the Summer School of Technopark Novosibirsk Akademgorodok (July 2011). Analysis of questionnaires showed significant targets young innovators and evaluated innovative potential listeners. An analysis of the questionnaires revealed the contours of some constraints of the young start-ups and barriers to engage in innovative activities in Russia.
Youth start-ups, the index of innovation, incentives and barriers to innovation

Koshovkin I.N., Kuzenkov V.Z., Tomsk
The Transformation of the Activity of Oil Design Institutes: Engineering and Concept Design
This article is concerned with directions of the efficient activity of a team of researchers and designers and with peculiarities of applying concept design in the process of engineering and re-engineering of field facilities. The article lists the key directions and types of concept work performed by specialists of the JSC TomskNIPIneft and shows the project management flow chart for oil and gas industry which secures the compliance of results of work with the investors’ requirements.
Design, project, competence, concept design

Alekseev A.V., Novosibirsk
Investment in Russian Industry
In the article the modern features of investment process in Russian industry is discussed.
Investment, finance, institutions, industrial policy

Kurilov K., Togliatty
The Place of the Russian Automotive Industry in the Global Automotive Industry
Stagnation of the world economy caused by the financial crisis could not affect one of the major components – industry for the production of vehicles. Russian car industry has also experienced crises. One reason for this – Extensive domestic production of vehicles. To overcome it is necessary to form a financial mechanism of cost management, based on development priorities and key indicators for assessing the effectiveness, including cost control mechanism enterprises automotive industry.
Àutomotive industry, industry for the production of vehicles, the dynamics of the global auto industry, the mechanism of cost control, cluster analysis, multidimensional scaling

Sherstnev M.A., Samara
Shock Therapy
Ideas then and the realities 20 years later

January 2012 marks the 20th anniversary of the actual start of radical market reforms in Russia. This anniversary falls in times of social and political turbulence in the country which is caused by the parliamentary election and Presidential race, and which put the above mentioned anniversary in the shadow of new events. Neither wide press nor the academic circles have paid much attention to the date. But have we drawn right conclusions from those events?
Russia, shock therapy, market reforms, reform results

Mostovaya Ye. B., Novosibirsk
Instability of the Social Pyramid under the Economic Crisis
Having analyzed the indicators of social stratification for the Novosibirsk Oblast, and having compared such indicators concerning the post-crises period with those of the pre-crisis time for other Siberian and Ural regions, we can state that the crisis struck the social pyramid a crushing blow. Our study also allows us to understand and assess what factors make the people’s adaptation successful and what factors make the pyramid vulnerable.
Social stratification, cluster analysis, social feeling, power resource, cultural capital

Voronov Yu.P., Novosibirsk
Manager without Profession. Is it Possible?
Do manager of modern enterprise can manage, when he doesn’t know this enterprise about, when he has mosaic meaning and very specific moral qualities? Is it just the time now for changes in managers’ education? Author says that manager must got professional level at first and became manager only after.
Russian management model, industrial engineering, soviet type «nomenclature»

Melnikov V. V., Novosibirsk
Electronic Public Purchases: A Year After
The article considers the contemporary public procurement legislation in Russia. It demonstrates effects and problems of practical use of open electronic auctions. The author suggests ways of improvement in legislation aiming to creation of Russia’s federal contract system.
Procurement, public purchases, electronic auctions, corruption, efficiency of public procurement, federal contract system