Summary ¹7 2012 ã.

Kibalov E.B., Novosibirsk
On the Final Aims and Reforming Tools of Railway Transport in Russia
The structural reform of Russia’s rail transport, in its institutional aspect, is in the closing stages. However, the reform has not solved problems regarding technical and technological basis of rail facilities (although some positive steps in the necessary direction have been made). This article elaborates a possible version of institutional transformations aiming to the provision of the innovational model of the rail transport development with investment.
Economic-organizing mechanism, Ministry of Railways, Joint Stock Company Russian Railways, strategy, target model, fares, transportation corridors

Fomin D.A., Khanin G.I., Novosibirsk
Alternative Assessment of Russian Rail Transport
The paper analyses the outcome of the development of Russian rail transport, and it also presents the authors’ alternative assessment of a resource-and-technical base and their forecast of the development of this industry.
Rolling stock, track facilities, financial indicators, alternative assessment

Interview of Prof. S.A. Bykadyrov, Siberian State University of Railway Transport
Russian Reforms Following a Well-Beaten Track

Rail transport, reforms, world experience, natural monopoly, tariffs, competition

Akhmetzhanov B.A., Lustov N.S., Karaganda
High-Speed Highways – the Contribution to Development of Territories
In article the plan for development in Republic Kazakhstan of a high-speed highway Astana – Almaty is considered. The current condition of an infrastructure of a railway transportation is presented. On the basis of the analysis of world experience separate recommendations about perfection of the organization of transportations on high-speed highways are made.
Railway transportation, high-speed highway, passenger transportation, working costs, social and economic development

Bezrukov L.A., Irkutsk
Transport-Economic Barriers in the Development of Siberia
The article is devoted to the assessment of the official «transport strategy» from the point of view of their orientation to overcome the two main transport-economic barriers to the development of Siberia – the barrier of the landlocked location and the barrier of the limited transport accessibility of most part of the territory.
Transport projects, transport expenses, Siberia

Voronov Yu.P., Novosibirsk
World Bank as Inspirer and Engineer for Railway Reforms
World bank report 2011 on railway reforms is observed. Report authors ideas are compared to Russian reality. Distortion between this reality and World bank recommendations are fixed.
World bank, railway reforms, government regulation, privatization, competition, railway structure, concession, franchise, pricing, cost calculation, Ramsey prices

Sukhorukova Ye. V., Moscow
Corporate Pension Schemes: the Practice of the Russian Railways (Rossiyskie Zheleznye Dorogi (RZhD))
The paper considers the Russian corporate pension schemes, what role they play in the Russian national pensions system, and how they could be developed. We demonstrate a nature of this pension institution, its financial mechanisms, and current practices of the large corporations.
Corporate pension schemes, retirement insurance, pensions systems

Saveliev Yu.V., Titov A.F., Petrozavodsk
Russian Public Policy for North Territories: new Model of Regional Development
The key moments of new «infrastructural model» of regional development of Russian North are examined in the article.
North territories, state regional policy, spatial planning, agglomerations, infrastructure

Kovaleva G.D., Novosibirsk
Frontier Cooperation between SFD and XUAR: Is It Time to Show our Will?
Russia has not yet fulfilled its potential of its frontier cooperation with Western China missing potential profits and ignoring the economic and social interests of the frontier areas of the Western Siberia. Being completely aware of a scientifically reasonable necessity of such cooperation which is failed to take place, the ineffective and wasteful governance in Russia is recognized as a basic obstacle to establishing this cooperation.
Frontier cooperation, Siberia, Xinjiang, economic potential, institutional maintenance, export, import, lines of development

Mkrtchan G.M., Tagaeva T.O., Novosibirsk
Ecological Policy: on the Way to Sustainable Development
The article analyzes the perspectives of realization of the environmental protection international agreements in Russia. It represents results of forecasts of the ecological pressure on water and atmospheric air depending on various scenarios of world and Russian economic development by the year 2014.
Sustainable development, economic development, ecological situation, environmental protection activity, forecast of the ecological pressure

Krass M.S., Moscow
Electric Power Engineering in Economy of Russia
Energetics is the base branch of economy in any country. Energetic safety is provided by volume and quality of power generation as well as by stability of its sources functioning in all aspects: technological, economical and ecological. Energetics has to involve all basic principles of innovate economics. The problems of development of optimal energy generation – generation of electric power are considered. The principles of new doctrine of power engineering of Russia are discussed.
Innovative economy, power engineering, innovative technologies, ecology, mini-station, co-generation, power doctrine, economic strategy

Panikarova S.V., Abakan
Development Prospects of Household Economy of Region
Role of household economy in manufacture of agricultural production and food maintenance of rural families is underlined. On the basis of the analysis of marketability, labour expenditure and readiness to increase of production at approach of favorable circumstances the potential of household economy is estimated. The thesis about low economic potential of household economy of Republic Khakassia is proved. The conclusion about the further reduction of volumes of output by household economy of agricultural production becomes.
Household Economy, Agricultural Production, Economic Potential, Marketability, Labour Expenditure

Udalov F.E., Nizhniy Novgorod
Personnel Problem: Retrospective Aspect and a Modern Reality
In article some personnel problems connected with modern functioning of the industrial enterprises are considered. The role of shots in modernizatsionno-strategic development of economy is ascertained. In the retrospective plan the short analysis of system of a professional training in the USSR in 40 – 50th years of the last century is given.
Technics and shots; a target professional training; vocational counseling of graduates; rupture of personnel generations

Dement’ev N.P., Novosibirsk
U.S. External Borrowing: Methodological Issues and Estimates
This article investigates trends in U.S. external debt in recent decades. It is shown that the existing statistics greatly overstate the size of the U.S. external borrowing, since it does not take into account their implicit foreign property income.
Net external debt, net external borrowing, current external balance, dividends, implicit property income, stockholders’ equity

Shlevkova T.V., Volgograd
Economist N.E. Giatsintov about System of Railroad Rates in Russia
With 2001 for 2010 in Russia structural reform on a railway transportation, mentioned, including system of tariffs for cargo and passenger transportations was carried out. In article the organization of railroad rates in Russia in second half of XIX-th century is considered, and its analysis stated in works of known Russian economist N.E.Giatsintova is given.
Railroad rate, railway transportation reform, the railway