Summary ą8 2012 ă.

Shmat V.V., Novosibirsk
Problem Profile of Russian Oil Refining
The article gives complex analysis of the basic problems of oil refining industry in Russia in recent years. Author consider technological underdevelopment of most of domestic petroleum refinery, low depth of refining, unbalanced structure of motor fuel supply and demand, fuel shortages risks, insufficient rate of processing facilities renewal and modernization, unsystematic character of government energy policy. The comparison of development trends in oil refining in Russia and other countries are presented.
Oil refining, policy of the state, technology, investment

Ruderman Ya.L., Moscow
Taxation for Oil Processing Industry: Confusion instead of Harmony
The paper analyzes how current export duties and the arrangements proposed to improve them impact the Russian oil processing industry.
Îil processing industry, export duties for oil and oil products, investments into modernization of refineries, refinery margin

Engineering Failure Closes Our Appearance at Domestic Market
Parmon V.N., the Member of RAC, Director, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, in his interview with the monthly journal “ECO”, Russia, speaks of what technology problems the domestic oil processing industry experiences, and what development prospects of the Russian innovation potential are in the sphere of in advanced crude hydrocarbons processing.
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, catalysts, engineering, Skolkovo

Semykina I.O., Novosibirsk
Three Pillars and the Tortoise of China's Oil Refining
The article considers the economic reforms in the refining industry in China, the dynamics of the main indicators of oil refining are given. Key mechanisms of technological development and the importance of foreign oil corporations in this process are considered. The analysis of the reasons for such successful development of the industry is provided; special attention is paid to the factor of the internal market capacity.
China, oil refining, petrochemicals, technology, the internal market

Kryukov V.A., Silkin V.Yu., Shmat V.V., Novosibirsk
On the Brink, or, how we got lost while searched for soft options
The article gives complex analysis of the basic problems of oil refining industry in Russia in recent years. Author consider technological underdevelopment of most of domestic petroleum refinery, low depth of refining, unbalanced structure of motor fuel supply and demand, fuel shortages risks, insufficient rate of processing facilities renewal and modernization, unsystematic character of government energy policy. The comparison of development trends in oil refining in Russia and other countries are presented.
Oil refining, market reform, government regulation, monopolism, reconstruction, investment

Lugacheva L.I., Musatova M.M., Novosibirsk
Consolidation and Vertical Integration of the Steel Industry Companies
The article analyzes the outcomes of changes in the integrative strategies of Russian companies in the steel industry during the time of instability. The article  provides quantitative assessment of integration processes in 1995–2010; demonstrates the specifics of M&A transactions, its trends and priorities. The authors evaluate the impact of the crisis on expansion projects of Russian companies in the steel industry, and consider market investment priorities in the perspective.
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A), deal drivers, steel industry, industry specifics, priorities and directions of integration processes, crisis, cross-border transactions

Zorkaltsev V.I., Irkutsk
Remedy against Inflation: Considerations Inspired by the K.P. Glushchenko’s Article Titled as “Official and Real Inflation”
The paper written by K.P. Glushchenko and published in the monthly journal “ECO”, Russia, Vol. 3, 2012, discusses the question of vital importance – the quality of price indices calculated and applied. This question has several aspects worthy of special discussion. Some of them, including, in my opinion, disputable ones, are considered here. The author’s special attention is paid to a necessity of introducing indexation mechanisms, based on price indices, into different spheres of the economy which could be regarded as a tool to resist negative impacts of the inflation.
Economic statistics, price indices, inflation

Khanin G.I., Novoribirsk
In Memory of Igor Birman
It is humiliating that the sequacious deference to the western economists’ ideas and disregard of achievements of the Soviet and current economic science can be observed among many of the Russian contemporary economists. Moreover, such opinions contribute to neglecting any positive result obtained by Russian economists. The fact that Russian economists can outrun western experts under favorable conditions may be exemplified by Igor Birman’s scientific efforts.
Igor Birman, economic-mathematical method, liniar programming, economist, economic analysis

Bekarev’s A.A. Interview, Novosibirsk
Modernizing Domestic Biopharmaceutical Production
Bio technopark, Koltsovo, Trombovazim, pharmaceutical production

Usenko N.I., Poznajkovskii V.M., Kemerovo
Innovative foodstuff: metamorphoses of the food industry and food security
In this article the dual nature of innovations and possibilities of ensuring economic efficiency of the manufacturing companies in the food market, foreign experience of regulation of production and realization of foodstuff according to principles of a healthy food is analyzed. Authors offer approaches on serious correction of the state food policy of Russia for ensuring food security of the country and population health.
Innovations, food security, food additives

Vaganova E.V., Syryamkin V.M., Yakubovskaya T.V., Tomsk
Identification of parameters of the state and dynamics of the economy as part of the dominantand forming technological cycles.
The role of each countryin theworld economy and politicsof the XXI century is determined by the use of high technologies - strategic indicators of economic, political and defense power, the national status in the world. In the transition of the world economy to the sixth technological wave, Russia has to choose technologies and directions in which the country has competitive advantages and potential of economic development. For identification of these technologies indicators of innovative performance should be used. And it is obvious that annual forecast of gross domestic product is not enough.
Innovations, sixth technological wave, macroeconomic indicators, innovative potential.