Summary №9 2008 г.
Aganbegian A. G., Moscow
Remarks on Long-Range Strategy of a Socio-Economic Development of Siberia
The author of this article indicates which sectors of the Russian economy may become the world leaders in future. Most of them will be located in Siberia, and in this respect it may be useful to utilize on a recent level an experience of complex utilization of resources and population resettlement to the East.
Vassilenko V. A., Novosibirsk
Discourse Continues (On Shifting of a Part of Siberian Rivers’ Flowing to the South)
In 2008, is 140 years university of the idea to shift water from the West-Siberian river Ob’ to the basin of river Aral. Engineer Demchenko Ia. G. from the city of Kiev is the author of this idea. In our days this issue is of politicians, scholars public interest, but an attitude to the idea is ambigous.
Popov E. V., Ekaterinburg
A Model of Institutions Evolution
On the basis of studies of results of investigation of changes in a cost of transaction the author suggests an analytical model of economic institutions evolution. It in based on mathematical instruments of diffusion processes. The solution of this model confirms theoretical hypothesis about wave-like dynamics of a cost of transaction and existence of the life cycles of economic institutions.
Glinskiy V. V., Novosibirsk
Small Business Mythological Statistic. Problems of Turbulent Sets Study
The author discusses issues of the turbulent (unstable) sets study, for example, a family of small business units. He gives a scheme of drawing a statistical conclusion on the basis of small business activities estimation, shows the risks of receiving biased estimations. For the city of Novosibirsk the author estimated parameters of a model of the number of small enterprises. He did it on the basis of statistical data and his own sample studies of small enterprises.
Sharafootdinov V. H., Sochi
Will the Olympic Games in Sochi Correspond to Contemporary Practice of International Tourism?
Preparation the city of Sochi for Winter Olympic Games in 2014 stimulates Russian authorities to speed up the solution of accumulated in Sochi problems. The author of this article discourses those problems and ways of their solution.
Khimeechenko A. A., Lubertsi
Perspectives of Robotics
The article presents statistical data on different types of robots use in the world, shows the world leading companies in robotics production. The information may help our readers to get some idea about robots utilization and about perspectives of the Russian robotics development.
Kassatkin R. G., Moscow
The Arctic Shipping Lane Role in Arctic Transport System
The issues of recent state and development of the most important Arctic sea way of the Russia is discussed in this article. The author argue, that neither railway and automobile transport nor air transport can provide the needed for Arctic region cargo turnover.
Tarakanov M. A., Apatiti
On Question of the North of Russia Division into Districts
The article continues opened in our journal (see ‘ECO’: 2006, № 10; 2007, № 9) discursion on the Northern Russian territories division into districts.
Khandazhapova L. M., Loobsanova N. B., Ulan-Ude
Foreign Investment in a Regional Economy
This paper presents the results of analysis of law and normative, economic and organization issues of foreign investment attraction in regions of Russia. A special attention is paid to situation in the Buryat Republic.
Khanin G. I., Novosibirsk
The Higher Education and the Russia’s Society
The article presents the results of the author studies of mutual relations between the higher education and a society development. The ways to overcome the higher education backwardness in the country are suggested. (See the beginning of the paper in ‘ECO’ 2008, № 8).
Voronina L. A., Ivanova N. E., Ratner S. V., Krasnodar
Foresight Method Application in Developing Innovation Strategy of an Institute of Higher Education: an Experience of Kuban’ State University
The Russian experience of Foresight Method application is discussed in this paper. This method is widely used for forecasting the future science, technology, and social development of a society in Western Europe, the USA, and Japan. A special attention is paid to examination of a “Conception of a long-range forecast of the Russian Federation technological development till 2025”. It is a single document prepared on a federal level on the basis of Foresight Method.
The possibilities of this method utilization for developing and realization the strategy of innovation development of corporation, in particularly, of large University, is illustrated on an example of Kuban’ State University.
Bauer V. P., Moscow, Litvinova E. M., Sent-Petersburg
International Reserves of the Bank of Russia
The authors of this article discus the current situation in international reserves of the Bank of Russia, their weak and strong points, opportunities and threats of those reserves allocation in foreign assets.
Neustroeva N. N., Novosibirsk
Shadow Activity as a Specific Institution of a Society
Our journal wrote about shadow economy several times. In this article the boundaries of a shadow economy are regarded in the framework of the system of national accounting. The author gives an estimation of a scale of shadow economy in the sphere of consumer services in Russia.
Danilov Yu. G., Yakutsk
Three Whales of Governing. Some Possibilities of the Russian Federation Financial System Control
Some important indicators of the Russian financial system are discussed in this article. The ways of financial system reinforcement are proposed.
On the basis of studies of relationship between the refinancing rate and inflation in Russia and in the leading world countries the author proposed a mathematical expression that shows a degree of
inflation control under a given change in interest rate. This expression permits one to measure the influence of monetary factors on inflation.
The paper also shows the results of comparative analysis of the structure of gold and money reserves in the Russia and the leading world countries.
Chudnov I. A., Ossipov V. A., Kemerovo
To 60 University of Tax Reform That Did Not Occurred
Many times the soviet government bans and then allows private entrepreneurship. The article presents the results of an analysis of one of the first attempt to liberalize private initiative in the USSR economy during the first years after the II World War. The analysis was made on the basis of archive documents.
Barsukova S. Yu., Moscow
The Russian Informal Practices: Variant for Export
Sociologist Alena V. Ledeneva is a specialist in informal activities. She writes exclusively about Russia and exclusively for the foreign reader.
The author of publish below detailed review of Alena V. Ledeneva’s last book analyses a method of study and nature of the Russian informal practices, and a phenomenon of conducting the scientific studies ‘for export’.

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