Summary №8 2008 г.
Vazhenina I. S., Vazhenin S. G., Ekaterinburg
Image, Reputation and Brand of a Territory
The image, reputation and brand of Russia and its regions are becoming more and more important in our days. On examples of different countries and the regions of Russia the authors show how to create an attractive image, a positive reputation and good brand for a territory.
Alexeev A. V., Novosibirsk
Taxes That We Choose (or May Be They Choose Us)
The author gives his own view on such important questions as the following: Why Russia has the recent tax system? Does the existing tax system correspond to the country’s long-range interests? What directions of the tax system improvement are the most promising?
Dashinamzhilov O. B., Novosibirsk
Privatization in the Buryat Republic
According to the plans of the Russian ‘reformers’ the state property privatization was the main element of successful transition to the market relations. The article presents the results of the author studies of characteristic features and consequences of privatization in the Buryat Republic, the reasons why a considerable economic effect is absent.
Farkov A. G., Biysk
Does Altay Need Domestic Coal?
This paper describes the results of studies of possibilities of Altay region mining sector reviving in order to utilize the coal pits. It suggests a way to rise the profitability of coal mines utilization under conditions when they are remote from railways.
Samsonov N. Yu., Novosibirsk
Techno-genous Gold Stock – an Alternative to the Gold Mining Growth
A reduction of prospecting stocks of gold in Siberia and Russian Far East, decreasing the quality of mineral resources base of gold mining, the large gold mining companies orientation on high-grade ore gold deposits force us to pay attention to an estimation the perspective of techno-genous gold stocks utilization. In this paper the author presents his investment plan for techno-genous gold stocks utilization at one of gold deposits in Siberia.
Khanin G. I., Novosibirsk
The Higher Education and the Russia’s Society
The article presents the results of the author studies of mutual relations between the higher education and a society development. The ways to overcome the higher education backwardness in the country are suggested.
Egorshin A. P., Ponomoreva O. G., Nizhniy Novgorod
The Higher Education Market in Nizhniy Novgorod Province
The paper presents the results of an investigation of the higher education market in the Nizhniy Novgorod province and the key indicators of the higher education system in 1995–2006, shows specific for this sphere trends in the province. The forecast of the key indicators of the higher education system in the Nizhniy Novgorod province is also given.
Ostrovskiy A. V., Moscow
The Peoples Republic of China Modern Economy: Problems, Threats and Perspective
The author investigated economical and social problems of modern China. Among them are the following: energy sector and foreign trade development, inflation, employment, and an increase in the living standards of population. Such measures as the state control and governance improvement, growth on the basis of scientific conception of development, which according to the China’s government are to be used to overcome the existing difficulties, are also discussed.
Abramova S. V., Moscow
Where Get the Information on Know-How?
The paper tell us about the use of Internet resources to promote the technologies projects commercialization.
Ognev I. A., Tumen’
About National Projects, Donations and Food Prices
Starting form the autumn 2007, food prices in Russia grew up sharply. Internal and external factors of this raise, situation in the Ministry of agriculture, and influence of solutions that are made on federal and regional levels on this situation are discussed in the article.
Udalov F. E., Nizhniy Novgorod
They Do Not Treat a Nightingale with Fables The Russian and the US Agriculture Comparison
About the situation in the Russia’s agriculture now one may say that it had come to a pretty pass. The agriculture passed so called ‘the point of return’, and only extraordinary measures can rescue it. This article compares the natural conditions and economic terms that are created for agriculture in Russia and in the US.
Agaptsov S. A. , Moscow
Role of the Camber of Accounts of the Russian Federation in Controlling the Process of Federal Budget Revenue Formation
In the article an auditor of the Camber of Accounts of the Russian Federation describes measures that may qualitatively improve the key elements of federal budget revenues government.
Vizhitovich A. M., Tereshin A. V., Novosibirsk
Tax Climate and Development of Economy. Theoretical Foundations and Empirical Estimations
The authors give empirical estimations of a tax pressure influence on some macroeconomic indicator in Russia. Among those indicators are such as rates of GDP growth, investment, volumes of exports and imports.
Tedeev A. A., Moscow
E-commerce Taxation: Shortcuts Overcoming
The problems of law regulation of E-commerce and the issues of a tax mechanism creation for this sector are discussed in this paper.
Van In’tsin, Harbin, China
International Logistic System on the Russia-China Border
The author studies the State of logistic system in regions on the Russia-China border.
Novikova I. A., Rogatchevskaya M. A., Novosibirsk
Mikhail M. Speranskiy Projects of Financial and Monetary System Transformation
M. M. Speranskiy (1772–1839) occupies a very special place among the state doers that worked on elimination a political and economic backwardness of Russia.

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