Summary ¹7 2008 ã.
Toolokhonov, A. K., Ulan-Ude
How to Develop the Russian Periphery or Some Lessons from China’s Reforms
Geopolitical factors of the state regional policy formation in Russia, namely in respect of peripheral regions, are shown in this article. The author compares the development of the China’s near to the Russia’s borders provinces with the performance of Peter Stolipin reforms in Russia. He also argues for decentralization of the foreign activity governance.
Fedorovich, V. O., Fedorovich, T. V., Novosibirsk,
Koongoorov, Yu. A., Seversk
The State Sector Restructuring: A Nuclear Energy-Production Holding Formation
The article deals with the issues of increasing the efficiency of the state property utilization. It describes the stages of formation of a large state corporation – «Rosatom» holding.
Pogosov, I. A., Moscow
Gross Value Added Dynamics in Russia in 2003-2007
The article contains the results of statistical analysis of dynamics and structure of gross value added and industrial production in Russia. The author’s conclusions and statistical data may be of interest of specialist in national accounting and macroeconomics.
Voronin, O. L., Ippolitova, N. A., Koritniy, L. M., Irkutsk
Spatial Structure of Big Business in Irkutsk Province
The authors analyze the structure of big business in Irkutsk province, parameters of the largest integrated business-groups and companies, the process of big business expansion in the province. On the basis of this analysis they made a conclusion that the big business does not play the crucial role in socio-economic development of Irkutsk province.
Balakina, G. F., Kizil
Republic of Tiva Development Perspectives: Innovation Strategy
The Republic of Tiva development strategy till 2020 is considered in this article. Possible ways of this strategy realization is also studied. Among others issues is a participation of the state, as the principal investor, in fulfillment the projects on creation an infrastructure for mineral resources development.
Kontorovich, A. E., Korzhubaev, A. G., Eder, L. V., Novosibirsk
Strategy of petroleum industry development of Russia
In the paper authors consider variants of forecasts of production, processing and export of petroleum and petroleum products, deliveries of petroleum products on internal and foreign markets. Strategic problems of development of an oil industry are put forvard: satisfaction of growing internal demand for oil and oil products of its processing, participation of Russia in maintenance of need in petroleum in the world without damage to the future generations of citizens.
Voronov Yu. P., Novosibirsk
Mass decisions in economy: investigations passed ahead of time
The study experience of mass decisions in economy is investigated in this article. The school which had been unique for economics and had been developing in the 1960s and 1970s in the Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences and had been related to such names as E. G. Antosenkov, T.I. Zaslavskaya, V.E. Shlyapentoch and V. N. Shubkin.
Komarov V. F., Volkova L. V., Pirogov V. I., Novosibirsk
The Problem Oriented Method for Organizational and Economic Problems Analysis and Solution
The paper describes an instrument that may be useful in studying the socio-economic problems and in different spheres of business. The authors show how to use it on an example of solution the problem of durable consumer goods recirculation.
Alliance of Science and Industrial Production
Members of organizations, formed under the guidance of the Institute of Economics and industrial Engineering of Siberian Brunch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IEIE), such as International Director’s Club, Director’s Forum, tells about concrete results of their cooperation with the IEIE.
Boiko, I. V., Sent-Petersburg
How one can «Cultivate» Concurrent Advantages of a region?
On the author’s opinion a cluster approach to regional innovation system formation helps to aim the process of innovation economy creation in Russia on certain results.
Koss’mina, E. A., Omsk
The Human Factor of Reforms
Some ways to deal with negative socio-economic phenomena that appears in the process of plan economy transformation into market one are discussed in this article. The lack of motivation to work, passive behavior, etc. appears namely due to those part of newly born capitalists in Russia that act in accordance with their robber instinct.
Karavaeva, I. V., Moscow
Tax Policy Transformation in Russia under Transition Economy in 1990-s.
On the basis of analysis of changes in tax policy in Russia in 1990-s the author shows the appearance of a necessity in the Russian tax system global reforming in the and of XX century. She discusses the expediency and results of recent tax system in Russia, compares it with that of developed countries.
Saphronov, K. E., Omsk
Estimation of Efficiency of City’s Transport Infrastructure
The article is devoted to study some aspects of formation the conditions for invalids social adaptation and their participation in labor activity. Availability of living apartments, social and transport infrastructure of cities are among these conditions. The author made the estimates of measures that he suggests.
Abalkin, L. I., Moscow
Institute of Economics Reports to the Government
The article reprints the suggestions of soviet economists on measures to shift national economy into principally new path of economic development. Many of those recommendations that were made for the soviet planned economy about 10 years ago are still actual.
Gaponenko, A.L., Moscow
Enterprise’s Strategy in XXI Century.
Review on the book: Kleiner G. B., Strategy of Enterprise (M. Delo Publishes, 2008).

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