Summary ¹11 2008 ã.
Pogosov I. A., Moscow
Inflation in Russia: Influence on Production, Profit and Capital
An influence of price growth on an increase in gross value added, volumes of production, profit and movement of capital is shown in this article on real statistical data.
Kazantsev S. V., Novosibirsk
A Project of Federal Budget for 2009–2011: Expenditures
The Ministry of Finance of Russia has developed a package of documents on consolidated and federal budgets, tax and budget policies during 2009–2011. According to analysis of these documents, their authors think that a fulfillment of the government obligations on provision of pensions is the crucial issue of a three years budget.
Perepechko L. N., Sharnina I. A., Novosibirsk
Innovation Activity and Patenting Problems
Innovation activity of academician institutes is linked with an intellectual property protection, so the clarity of patenting will speed up the technologies transferring process. The authors also discuss the changes which were introduced in academician institute innovation activity by the Forth part of the civil code.
Smirnov A. I., Katsik D. E., Panachev V. Yu.,Krasnoyarsk
Large Corporation and Economic Safety: An Example of the Krasnoyarsk Region
The article presents the description of Russian large corporation peculiarities of development, their way to the world market, interests and priorities in the regions of the Russian Federation. The results of trends analysis in Krasnoyarsk region industrial sector in 1990s are presented.
Zalkind L. O., Serova N. A.,Apateti
Investment Rating of Northern Regions
The article presents the results of investment processes analysis of Russian Northern regions in 1991–2007. It shows an investment rating of Northern regions based on two main indicators: investment status and investment activity. The leaders and outsiders of investment process are pointed out.
Kotirlo E. S., Siktivkar
Human Capital of Northern Regions
The author describes a process of human capital accumulation in the northern regions of Russia in 1990–2005. He picks out specific features of human capital and shows that an economic development plays the key role in human capital accumulation. If it is true, the state support on regions and enterprises forming a company town in the North may improve the situation.
Kolibaba V. I., Yampol’skiy Yu. P., Ivanovo
Integrated Structures Formation in the Russian Power Industry
The problems of the Russian power industry that it faces after ‘RAO UES Russia’ reforming are described in this paper. Including the electric power companies into financial-industrial groups (FIG) may, according to the authors, reduce financial risks, unite financial resources of FIG’s participants, speed up financial transactions through the united bank, eliminate cashbox breaks, and lead to better use the labor resources.
Kotov D. A., Mytischi
Foreign Experience of a Water Community Facilities Reforming
Basing on the analysis of a foreign experience in water community facilities reforming the author concludes: the combination of private and state interests in this sector is optimal.
Platonov E. P., Khanti-Mansiysk
Forestry of Yurga: Reforms ‘with a Human Face’
Started in 2004 the reforms in Russian forestry sector are finishing in 2007–2008. The new Forest Codec is hardly able to prevent the Russian forests from the irremediable damage.
Kasatkina E. V., Belyaeva E. S., Rubtsovsk
The Problems of Development of the city of Rubtsovsk Industrial Enterprises
The article describes the first results of fulfillment the “Program of Industry Development” in the city of Rubtsovsk.
Balikhin G. A., Berdashkevich A. P., Moscow
The Russia’s Budget Policy and Education System
The main statements of the budget policy that concern an education system are discussed in this article.
Mikheeva A. R., Novosibirsk
A Man in a City’s Family
This article presents the main results of studying the role that modern man plays in a family. The author’s conclusions are basing on sociological studies made in Siberian cities – Novosibirsk, Berdsk, Omsk, Gorno-Altaisk, Tumen’, Hkanti-Mansiysk, etc.
Sergeev A. S., Novosibirsk
On Some Issues of Employers Property Development
The author describes characteristic features of the enterprises with employers’ property formation in different countries and necessary conditions for these enterprises development.
Plekhanov D. A., Moscow
Trends in the Development of Export Markets of the Russian Machine-building in 1997–2007
Dynamics and the structure analysis of the Russian machines and equipment exports in 1997–2007 are presented. The investigation conducted by the Institute for Complex Strategic Studies shows that the volume of Russian machines and equipment exports increased mainly due to expansion at CIS markets (Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan) though foreign market share of Russian manufacturers was reducing.
Shpeelevoy V. F., Moscow
To safeguard the capital is the Main Task of Modern Russia
Elaborating of the Russia development strategy it is necessary to have clear concept of national capital security. Otherwise all administrative efforts will be futile. The article also contains interesting historic analogies.
Vazhenin S. G., Sookhikh V. V., Ekaterinburg
The Authorities and Moscow Merchants in XIX Century:
Unfortunately, the merchants were in a shadow in a history for a long time. There are not many merchants’ memoirs in comparison with noblemen’s dairies and recollections and they were not lucky from the point of studying these memoirs. There are not many evidences of the merchants attitude toward authorities but they are very bright and explain, when regarded in contests of that historical period, why the Moscow entrepreneurs permanently treated the state authorities with distrust.

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