Summary ¹12 2008 ã.
Kirshin I. A., Datsik A. A., Kazan’
Quality of the Russian Economy Regenerative Growth
The authors of this article think that the current macroeconomic parameters of the domestic economy give a ground to assert, that the stage of regenerative growth in Russia is coming to its end. In their study of the path of Russia’s development they make an attempt to answer the following questions. What is price of this growth, its motive forces and restriction? Is it possible that the potential which was put in pawn on a stage of restoration would be able to provide an adequate postindustrial quality of the further growth? The authors also deny a dependence of the Russian economy from export of raw materials.
Gil’mundinov V. M., Novosibirsk
‘The Holland Disease’ in the Russian Economy: Its Sectoral Aspects
The results of studying the sectoral competition under strong orientation of Russia on raw materials export are presented in this article. An influence of the ruble strengthening on the rates of sectors growth is also estimated.Diev V. S., Novosibirsk
Philosophical Paradigm of Risk
An interdisciplinary approach to a risk analysis, based on a conceptual understanding that a risk is always associated with an actor and decisions that he makes, is proposed in this article.
Khanin G. I., Novosibirsk
Economic Discussions at the End of Perestroika
New ‘perestroika’ is possible and it may be useful to study the discussions about the first one. They are not studied in details and do not understood. The author believes that a comprehension of these discussions permits us to avoid errors that were made during reforms of 1990-s.
Ribalko E. Yu., Blagoveshchensk
Auctions in a System of State Purchases: Pro and Contra
Law-makers suppose that the total state purchases on auctions may minimize risks that an auction is organized for one, selected in advance and not the best supplier. Is it true? On an example of the Amur province the author of this article shows difficulties standing before the participants of auctions.
Mishchenko V. V., Mishchenko I. K., Barnaul
Light Industry of the Altai Region
The crisis of the Russian light industry goes since the beginning of 1990. On an example of the Altai region the authors of this article regards measures necessary to revive the light industry and to enhance a competitiveness of its products on domestic and world markets.
Chernov A. G., Luk’ianets A. A., Rotar’ V. G., Tomsk
Payed Services Market of Siberia
According to analysis of services market of Siberian Federal District the consumers’ expenditures depend on households’ income level.
Zakharov I. V., Moscow, Formulevich Ia. V., Kemerovo
Automation of a Budgeting Process on an Enterprise
A reader will find some recommendations on utilization the automation systems for budgeting in this article. It may help him to find one that is the best for the needs of management body.
Valov K. N., Novosibirsk
The Russian Know-How: Conglomerate under a Title of Holding
A process of the Russian market economy emerging can not be reduced to some standard. Original market mechanisms and new forms of institutes are appearing as a result of a creative approach to organization of economic activity and not as a foreign experience adoption. One of such innovations – formation of a group of juridical independent enterprises – is studied in this article.
Maksin S. V., Ekaterinburg
Information Support of a Product Lifetime Cycle at the Production Union ‘UOMS’
The Russian enterprises that export its science-intensive products (first of all weapons and military techniques) face recently with a problem of production competitiveness at foreign markets. Foreign customers demand to use IP-technologies in production and utilization of technologies. It is principally new approach to formation the instruments for accompaniment a product during its lifetime cycle.
Korshunov V. V., Korshunov D. V., Moscow
Perspectives of the Russian Market of Mineral Fertilizer Development
The Russian market of mineral fertilizer stagnates already 15 years. The authors of this article study the main reasons of changes on the market of mineral fertilizer and the possibilities of its development. They show the time aspect of providing a food safety and needed change in the volume of domestic market of mineral fertilizer.
Poleeshchook A. V., Moscow
New Energy Strategy of Japan: Attention to Energetic Safety
The world leader in energy efficiency regards an energy security as the key element of its economic policy, diversifies import of energy resources and develops alternative sources of energy. All these Japan to the large extent does on the basis of planning.
Lapasova V. V., Abakan
Money of Population and Health Service
This article covers the questions connected with the attraction of citizens’ private money into the public health servicå. The author thinks that one of the most efficient methods is the developing of the voluntary health insurance system, which allows to improve the quality of medical care and to cut down the volume of cash payments and shadow turnover in the public health service.
Prosekov I. Yu., Novosibirsk
History of Agriculture in Russia in the Light of Institutional Methodology
Institutional economic theory pays serious attention to historical aspects of economical relations, including collective’s behavior. An interaction of collectives is regarded as a system of contracts. Institutional theory was not applied to an analysis of the state and the bodies of peasant self-management relations till now. The author suggests us to regard the structure and the essence of these relations in the frameworks of social and economic history of Russia.

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