Summary №1 2009 г.
Kuleshov V. V., Novosibirsk
The World Financial Crisis and Its Consequences in Russia
The main threats, that appears due to the crisis in Russia, are discussed in this paper. A special attention is paid to the real sector of economy and to the state support for enterprises and sectors.
Bekarev A. A., Novosibirsk
Financial Epidemic
The main reasons of modern economic crisis lies in a structure of the world economy – in markets globalization, poor thought implementation of innovation financial instruments and ideas, decline in risks control. The author thinks that shortcomings of partly inadequate control for the situation are correcting now.
Khanin G. I., Fomeen D. A., Novosibirsk
2008 Economic Crisis in Russia: Its Reasons and Consequences
The authors of this article analyze why Russia is one of the weakest links in the world economy. They think that the crisis may be overcome not sooner than in 10-15 years and will be very hard for population.
Stepanova S. V., Klistorin V. I., Kravchenko N. A., Novosibirsk
The Growth of Economy is Crucial for Russia
The aim of this article is to show the crisis situation and to regard from a perspective point of view possible scenarios of the Russia development. The authors tried to avoid a pressure of recent events on financial markets, which demonstrate extremely high volatility.
Senchagov V. K., Moscow
The World Financial Crisis: Treatment Measures
After listing the main reasons of financial crisis of 2008, the author concentrated on instruments and mechanisms for its overcoming.
Strel'tsova N. T., Novosibirsk
Conversation during the crisis Tea-party
The practising economist's opinion about the currient world crisis problem is reflected in the present interview.
Cheremeesina T. P., Novosibirsk
Is the Modern Russia Apt to Innovation Development?
The author regards the basic conditions that permit us to form and implement an innovation potential of the Russian economy. They are: a state of macroeconomic atmosphere, innovation climate in the country, a level of democratization and decentralization of government, a degree of the state participation in business, a state of a market of actives.
Khoroshavin A. V., The Sakhalin province
Sakhalin as a Multiplicator for an Economic Growth of the Far East
The Sakhalin province is a region of rapid growth and qualitative structural changes in economy. It gives a solid basis for attracting investment, innovative economy development, and for realizing the large projects, many of which affects on economy of neighboring regions.
Zabolotskiy S. A., Novosibirsk
Chemistry and Petro-Chemistry Industry of the Siberian Federal District: Recent State and Forecast.
The article describes the situation in chemical sector of Siberian federal district and its problems. It shows the strategic directions of chemical sector enterprises’ development. On the basis of collected information on the main investment projects in chemical sector the author forecasts sector’s development till 2020.
Voronov Yu. P. , Novosibirsk
Petrel hovers proudly
In 2008 Nobel Prize at economics was given to Paul R. Krugman for «his analysis of commerce structure and geographical allocation of economic activity». Different currents of economic science are desegregated in vast and various scientific P. R. Krugman`s legacy.
Abalkin L. I., Moscow
Back to Political Economy
Thinking about the most sophisticated problems of political economy Academician Leonid Abalkin does not answer a question about the future of Russia. He suggests a methodology for answering this question. Seriously speaking, this methodology is more important and actual than detailed descriptions, which have no theoretical ground.
Kolibaba V. I., Yampolskiy Iu. P., Ivanivo
Estimation of Risks of Power Energetic Enterprises credit
Power Energetic Enterprises badly need credits, so an analysis of investment attractiveness, solvency and a specification of characteristic features and credit risks are important.
Abramov M. D., Lubersti
Industrial Policy and Tax Regulation
The article deals with peculiarities of the Russian economy and some issues of taxes, contra-monopolistic policy and price regulation. The author gives some recommendations, which realization speeds up an economic growth.
Sidorchook R. R., Moscow
Some Problems of a Small Business
This paper summurises the analysis of some results received by the author on the basis of research of some Moscow small enterprises. An activity aimed to support small business in Russia is criticaly analysed. Some problems of small business are formulated and ranged. Existing and possible dangers of expansion of the state support of small business to the enterprises of a small-scale business come to light.

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