Summary ¹2 2009 ã.
Kazantsev S.V., Novosibirsk
Man-Made Crisis
One client did not return a small debt to bank. That is a routine event. Unreturned big debts of many clients to banks caused the world financial crisis. The author of this article discuses the possibility and inevitability of financial crisis.
Ershova M. Ia., Moossatova M. M., Kobkova A. V., Novosibirsk
Small Business and Municipal Fixed Assets: Who benefits after the Rules Change?
The changes in the institutional environment of small businesses driven by the federal laws which have entered or are to be entered into effect in 2008-2009 are discusses. These changes should have a tangible influence on the relations between the local authorities and small companies as regards the fixed assets held in municipal property and rented out to the business. Why is rent of municipal the fixed assets abolished?
Klemenko A. S., Moscow
The Role of Household Economy in a Food Security
Personal subsidiary plots, fruit and vegetable gardens supported many Russians in their hard time. The author of this article writes about development of these types of household economy in a modern Russia.
Alexeenko E. V., Freedman Yu. A., Rechko G. N., Kemerovo
Globalization and the Kuzbas Development
The Kemerovo region due to the particularities of its industrial specialisation is strongly dependent on global «rules of game». And any fluctuations on the world energy or metal markets affect the economy of the region.
In the article the condition of metallurgical and coal branches of the region which to a great extent depend on a world market conjuncture is analyzed and the forecast of their development is given.
Zabolotskiy S. A., Novosibirsk
Chemistry and Petro-Chemistry Industry of the Siberian Federal District: Recent State and Forecast
The article describes the situation in chemical sector of Siberian federal district and its problems. It shows the strategic directions of chemical sector enterprises’ development. On the basis of collected information on the main investment projects in chemical sector the author forecasts sector’s development till 2020.
Bass A. Ia., Razomassova E. A., Novosibirsk
The Role of Services Sector and Entrepreneurship in an Economic Development
A share of services in GDP exceeds 50% in economically developed countries. TA level of service sector development in Russia is low than in many other countries.
This article shows the results of studying the state of service sector in central cities 11 provinces of Russia. The authors conclude that poor state of services are to the large extend caused by insufficient state support for small business.
Khanin G. I., Novosibirsk
Economic Discussions at the End of Perestroika
New ‘perestroika’ is possible and it may be useful to study the discussions about the first one. They are not studied in details and do not understand. The author believes that a comprehension of these discussions permits us to avoid errors that were made during reforms of 1990-s.
Pooshkarenko A. B., Tomsk
A Regional Innovation System
A system for tenders (both regional and mutual with federal and others funds and institutions) organization that was developed in the Tomsk region, is described in this article. The system is oriented on effective commercialization of scientific researches. Some results of this system utilization are shown.
Goodak S. N., Moscow
New Conditions for the Russian Education System
The law of the Russian Federation “On Autonomous Institutions” became valid in January 2007. Its main aim is to give to institutions, that became autonomous, more rights in disposition of property and in the institution’s Charter aims realization. Authorities try to make budgetary organizations its full-featured financial partners.
Gil’mundinov V. M., Kazantseva L. K., Tagaeva T. O., Novosibirsk
The Health of the Russian Population and the Reasons of Its Deterioration
The results of a study of the recent state of the Russian population health are given in this article. The results of retrospective data analysis illustrate the main factors cause a deterioration of the health of society. The authors argue that negative influence of ecological factor dominates.
Levkin N. V., Petrozavodsk
Administrative Innovations and Organizational Conflict
Administrative innovations touch upon not only organizational-technological, but also social aspects of functioning of the enterprises. Some innovations provoke the organizational conflicts between workers and administration. The author considers the organizational conflict which has occured in the Open Joint-Stock Society «Kostomukshsky okatish» in 2007.
Vialkin A. G., Moscow
The Institutes for Development and Diversification of Economy
The Russia’s orientation on raw materials exports inevitably leads to slow down in the rate of economic growth in next three years. A system of the state institutes for development in accordance with utilization of a state-private mechanism is an important instrument of economy diversification. European countries accumulated priceless experience of this system formation and operation, but an efficiency of every instrument depends on specific of national conditions for doing business.
Yudina I. N., Barnaul
The Reasons of Banks’ Crisis and the Government Actions
Bank crises – the phenomenon regularly happening both in developed, and in developing countries, especially since 80th years of the ÕÕ century. All crises develop under one scenario irrespective of their reasons. They begin with the general deterioration of a macroeconomic environment which can operate as «the trigger mechanism» for the further negative events in bank system.
The reasons of banks’ crisis and the state bodies’ reaction are discussed in this paper.
Sitneekova O. V., Barnaul
Social-orientated Tariff Policy for Energy Sector in a Region
The author suggests way of improvements for a tariff policy in energy sector, which, according to his opinion, may increase an efficiency of resources, provide the equal conditions for regional energy systems development, help to balance the levels of tariffs not only in a region, but in the country a whole.
Bolotova S. S., Omsk
A State of Washing Machines’ Market
The dynamics of sales and consumption of washing machines in Russia during several decades are presented in this paper. A structure of sales by the main countries-suppliers, firms-manufacturers of import and domestic washing machines of different types is shown. The price component is studied.

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