Summary №3 2009 г.
Kovaleva G. D., Novosibirsk
Foreign Trade of Russian Regions: Lost Chances
After a large-scale study of Russia and Siberian Federal District foreign trade data the author concludes that a return, that Federal District received from commodities export, could be bigger.
Alexeev A. V., Novosibirsk
Crisis as a Presentiment
The main reasons of the world financial crisis, its inevitability and characteristic features in developed and developing countries are discussed in this paper.
Chireekhin S. N., Novosibirsk
Economic Crisis and Monopolism form an Unbreakable Union
Some factors that speed concentration on oil products markets are described in this article. The factors that slow down such concentration are weaker, so without purposeful state measures monopolization of markets will enhance.
Voronov Yu. P., Novosibirsk
Theoretical Analysis of a Crisis’s Reason (Interview with Karl Marx)
This is a virtual interview based on ‘Capital’ citation. The paper not only shows the reasons of Karl Marx’s popularity growth in last few years but permits us to regard the origins of recent crisis from another point of view.
Mezhov I. S., Bocharov S. N., Barnaul
Industrial Organization of a Food production in the Altai Region
Issues of a change in approaches to organization of agriculture raw products and issues of cooperation of enterprises from grain-proceeding cluster in the Altai region are regarded in this article. The authors propose a conception of food production organization under vertical integration.
Abramov M. D., Lubersti
Industrial Policy and Tax Regulation
The article deals with peculiarities of the Russian economy and some issues of taxes, contra-monopolistic policy and price regulation. The author gives some recommendations, which realization speeds up an economic growth.
Logachev V. A., Zhernov E. E., Zhernova N. A., Kemerovo
Economic Students Opinions on Economic Life Values – Labor, Knowledge and Wealth
Universal values, including religion, are one of a structure forming factor of an economy under capitalism. On materials of economic students in the city of Kemerovo the authors show a contradictory of economic views of the Russian population. The authors conclude that traditional eastern orthodox visions of economic values (labor, knowledge, wealth) are far from foundations of rationally organized capitalism.
Krukova E. M., Magnitogorsk
Tendencies and Perspectives of the Ferrous Metals Scrap’s Market
The main factors and trends of the ferrous metals scrap’s market development are regarded in this article. A scrap becomes more and more important for metallurgy, its utilization increases a competitiveness of metallurgy on domestic and foreign markets. The role of a ferrous metals scrap grows when metal ore deposits deteriorate.
Kamenev K. A., S.-Pеterburg
Specific Features of Mergers and Acquisitions Financing in Russia
The most interesting methods of mergers and acquisitions financing in Russia are described in this article. The author emphasizes LBO technique as a main instrument of M&A finanicing.
Nekrasov V. A., Moscow
Diversification of a Custom and Tariff Policy in Russia
Issues of an existing custom and tariff instruments utilization to shift the Russian economy on innovative way of development are discussed in this article. The author suggests the certain measures that may help to change the role of a custom and tariff policy in realization of strategic aims of socio-economic development of the country.
Shlevkova T. V., Volgograd
The Russia’s Tax Policy in the Works of I. C. Oserova
The Ministry of economic development of Russia prepared new directions of the customs-tariff policy for the period till 2011. In article the customs policy spent to Russia in second half of the XIX-th century is considered, and its analysis stated in the works of known Russian economist I.C.Ozerova is given.
Melkoomian M. S., Akopian V. M., Erevan
Urgent Tasks of the Republic of Armenia Economic and Social Development
The existing in the Republic of Armenia conditions, preconditions and barriers for small and medium business organization are discussed in this paper.
Kooleshov V. V., Novosibirsk
Fundamental Writing on Metallurgy History
It is a detailed review of V. V Alexeev. and D. V.Gavrilov’s book “Ural Metallurgy from Ancient Times till Our Days”.

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