Summary №4 2009 г.
Alexeev A. V., Kooznetsova N.N., Novosibirsk
Modern Investment Priorities in the Russian Industry
The authors study a dynamic of investment in extractive and manufacturing industries from the point of view of the tasks of a modern economy formation in Russia. They show the ways that the Russia is leaded by the interests of a global economy.
Medvedev R. A., Moscow,
Medvedev Zh. A., London
The Global Economic Crisis or Historical Turn
The authors of this article show how the U.S. financial crisis transformed into the worldwide economic crisis.
Andryushin S. A., Kooznetsova V. V., Moscow
Banking Sector Performance and the Russian Government Contra Crisis Measures
On the basis of an analysis of the situation in banking sector and the Russian government contra crisis measures the authors conclude that it will be difficult to recover the Russian economy in a short period.
Kachelin A. S., Moscow
Is “Gazprom” a National Treasury or a Closed Elite Club?
The aim of this article is to give an objective picture of «Gazprom»’s managers policy, but not to create a negative impression about perspectives of this public corporation.
Korzhubaev A. G., Novosibirsk
“Gazprom” as a Leader of the World Oil and Gas Business
Not going into details and pointing out unsolved problems, the author thinks that only large companies can solve strategic tasks of an oil and gas sector development and help to realize the Russia geopolitical interests on the globe.
Val’tukh K. K., Novosibirsk
The Efficiency of Production and Inflation
On the basis of mass statistical data analysis the author of this article rejects propagated on behave of Keynesian theory opinion, saying that in order to hold an inflation the state has to slow down an economic growth. The conclusion that the state governance of economy in general, and the price dynamics in particularly, have to rely on working economic theory, which basis is the law of value.
Efremenko V. F., Khabarovsk,
Pashchenko F. F., Moscow
The Place and Role of Innovation Infrastructure in regional Innovation System Formation
The segments of an innovation system in regions form fragmentary. To make the things better the authors propose to select the main element, which may become the centre of innovation activity in a region at a first stage of regional innovation system creation.
Alklichev A. M., Machachkala
Small and Medium Bisness in Construction Sector: What are their Perspectives?
The problems of efficiency functioning of the small and average business occupied in building are considered in this article.
Dabiev D. F., Kizil
Effeiciency Estimation of the Tuva Republic Mineral Resourse
One of the urgent issues – a construction of railway from Kuragino to Kizil – coupled with exploitation of the Tuva Republic mineral resources is discussed in this paper. A spatial schema of step-by-step mineral resources development in the Republic is suggested The economic estimations of deposits of these resources are also given.
Ushanov P. V., Moscow
Anti-Crisis Management of Intellectual Capital
Searching for effective models for carriage of enterprise they often look at the experience of booming South-East companies. A successful adoption of this system needs a different world-view, new attitude to labor and to its results.
Dzuba S. A., Irkutsk
ERP-Systems – the Mainstream or a Dead-End?
In spite on the fact, that ERP-ideology gives the integrated and general solutions, consumers still keep to principals of a patchwork automatization. The author made an attempt to find wither it is a result of the consumers low qualification or the reason lies in ERP.
Mikhalev O. V., Omsk
An Economic Stability and a Size of Regional Enterprises in Nonfinancial Sector
Links among the scale of an enterprise, working in real sector of regional economy, and an economic stability of this enterprise are studied in this article. On an example of the Omsk province enterprises the author shows that a medium-scale enterprises have the minimum stability in respect to external factors, and the small enterprises are the most stable.
Novikova I. A., Rogachevskaya M. A., Novosibirsk
M. M. Speranskii in Siberia and about Siberia
This article is about work of the Russian public figure M. M. Speransrii at his position as general-governor of Siberia: his fight against bribery and reforming a management system.
Khanin G. I., Novosibirsk
Pioneering Book
Review of L. A. Bezrookov’s book «Continantal-Ocean Dichotomy in International and Regional Development». (Novosibirsk, 2008). – In Russian.

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