Summary ¹5 2009 ã.
Goorkov I. B., Moscow
The Crisis of Strategies and a Strategy of Crisis
The main characteristics of the Russian companies’ strategies on the eve of financial crisis and during crisis are described in this article. A large-scale questionings of enterprises made in 2002–2007, express questioning in a winter 2008–2009, and some data received from business literature formed a basis of this description. The main scenarios of adaptive behavior and criteria to choose scenarios are also shown.
Ostrovskiy A. V., Moscow
To be Ready to Meet the World Crisis – The Chinese Recipe
Gradual formation of a market infrastructure under planned economy, implementation into practice a market mechanism, which forms the main priorities for development and concords of interests of the state, firms and people permit China to be better prepared for the world crisis.
Kazantsev S. V., Novosibirsk
Russian Has Money – In Banks
Banks’ statistics analysis shows that credit institutions in Russia have financial resources the crucial part of which is concentrated in Moscow.
Lavrovskii B. L., Novosibirsk
On the Nature of the Recent World Financial and Economic Crisis
The paper contains data on the key stock-exchange indicators dynamics and some other parameters that show the recent crisis development. A hypothesis on the nature of this crisis and some estimations on its consequences for Russia are also given.
Val’tukh K. K., Novosibirsk
The Efficiency of Production and Inflation
On the basis of mass statistical data analysis the author of this article rejects propagated on behave of Keynesian theory opinion, saying that in order to hold an inflation the state has to slow down an economic growth. The conclusion that the state governance of economy in general, and the price dynamics in particularly, have to really on working economic theory, which basis is the law of value.
Ognev I. A., Tumen’
Hard Years of Black Gold
An excessive fiscal pressure during last several years is the main reason of oil extraction reduction in Russia. The volume of investment in this sector is doing down, and its perspectives are vague. It is doubt that tax remissions will stimulate the growth of oil extraction because they have no system character and are sufficient.
Sheveleva G. I., Irkutsk
Conditions for Investment in the Russia’s Power Industry
The Russian power industry further development is impossible without creating the favorable conditions for investment. Analysis of conditions, which are attractive for investment in electric power sector, and ways of electric-power companies stimulation to finance the investment projects are discussed in this paper.
Issaeva E. V., Omsk
Partner Relationships During Crisis
Practical aspects of a partnership relations concept realization are studied in this article. The problems, arising in process of this conception realization, are also analysed. The article is based on the study of 257 companies, working in the Omsk province in 2008.
Alexandrov A. I., Danilov Yu. G., Yakutsk
New Perspectives for the Sakha Republic Oil Sector
The authors analyse the structure and volumes of oil extraction in the Sakha Republic, compares strategic approaches to oil sector development, show the advantages of a cluster scenario.
Egorshin A. P., Nenasheva E. V., Nizhniy Novgorod
Publisher Market of Educational Literature: Consumers
The preferences of the main consumers of a literature for the institutions of higher education – the students and teachers, wholesale and retail traders– are studied in this article.
Dolotenkova L. P., Novosibirsk
Reserve Currencies: Hard Search for New Forms
On the basis of analysis of long-range statistical data the author shows a process of modern currency relations formation, values the chances of different currencies to become a reserve currency. There are also the interesting information from a history of money circulation.
Novoselov A. L., Keeseleva S. P., Moscow
The Main Tax in Non-Ferrous Metallurgy
A tax on mineral resources extraction places an additional pressure on mineral extracting enterprises in comparison with enterprises in other sectors of national economy. This article presents the results of a tax pressure analysis made both the enterprises and the types and groups of taxes. The authors believe that the
law-makers have to change a methodology of this tax formation.
Romanchook I. G., Nesterov V. I., Kemerovo
A System of Remuneration of Labor Improvement in the Health Care Sector (An Example of the Kemerovo Province)
December 1, 2008 the budget sector of the Russian economy shifts onto the new systems of remuneration of labor. A new system of remuneration of labor of medicine personnel of medical prophylactic institutions works in the Kemerovo province since 2007. The first results of this system utilization are summarized in this paper.
Mamedsupiev M. D., Ust’-Kamenegorsk, the Kazakh Republic
Labor Potential Quality Estimation
Computations on the author’s model show that a quality of the labor potential in the East-Kazakhstan province of the Kazakhstan Republic deteriorates.
Kibalov E. B., Novosibirsk
A School-Book as an Endowment to Science
Review of the book «Foundations of Institutional Projection». (M. INFA-M, 2008). – In Russian.
Malov V. Yu., Melent’iev B. V., Novosibirsk
New Approach to Geographical Factor Study
Review of L. A. Bezrookov’s book «Continåntal-Ocean Dichotomy in International and Regional Development». (Novosibirsk, 2008). – In Russian.

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