Summary ¹6 2009 ã.
Novikov À.V., Novikova I.Y., Novosibirsk
Crisis as a Method of Moving Forward
The development scheme of the world crisis is provided in this article. The authors study such key characteristics as the credibility crisis; the decoupling theory failure; a sharp slump in demand or Keynes’ recession; coordination of the real and fictitious capital by means of depreciation of the cost of business; consistent blowing off of the bubbles in all segments of the financial market; socialisation of the economy and the peculiarities of this process in Russia. Benchmarks for renewal of the economy of Russia are also provided.
Seleetskaya N. M., Novosibirsk
The Types of Contra-Crisis Policy
This article describes the extent to which non-accommodative macroeconomic policy influences on economic activity, and investigates some of institutional and political economy factors of sustainable economic growths of the world economy.
Dvoretskaya A. E., Moscow
Macroeconomic Environment for the Russian Business Operation in Our Days
The conclusions that the author of this article made on the basis of the recent macroeconomic situation analysis is the following. Modern economic situation is complicated and contradictory. The Russian business cannot solve the problems alone. The state support to business has to be selective and to have some ideas on global economic structure optimization.
Zaussaev V. K., Bistritskiy S. P., Khoroshavin A. V., Boordakova G. I., Khabarovsk
The Russian Far East: The Answers to XXI Century Challenges
The authors think that the fixation of a permanent population on the South of the Russian Far East, utilization a foreign trade as an impulse for economy restructuring, and formation the zones of intensive development on the basis of territory-production clusters may switch the Russian Far East to a trajectory of sustainable development.
Voronov Yu. P., Novosibirsk
New Approaches to the Fundamental Sciences Efficiency Estimation
Author proposes segmentation of economical effects on four classes. Combination of effects from different classes composes fundamental science economical efficiency. Approach to choice of scientific investigations with most efficiency for practical use has been analyzed on examples of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science researches.
Semenova M. A., Petrozavodsk
A competitive Market of Electricity and Electric Power Capacity Development in Russia under the World Economic Crisis
The Russian power industry is on the last stage of its reforming. The crisis formed the necessary conditions for the construction of the country’s electricity market estimation. A present model of a power capacity market leads to an unreasonable retail prices growth and initiates a cost-push inflation. The alternative supply of electric power on the basis of small power stations is impeded by a high fee for the access to the electricity grid. In order to solve these problems it is necessary, according to the authors, to fulfill the further institutional transformation.
Mel’to A. V., Sekretarev Yu. A., Novosibirsk
Investment Activity in the Russian Electric Power Sector: Facts and Forecasts
What are the first results of the Russian electric power sector reforming? What sectors are more attractive for the investors? The authors of this paper made an attempt to answer these questions.
Koritniy L. M., Bashalkhanova L. B., Veselova V. N., Irkutsk
A Climate Discomfort and Socioeconomic Request
The results of comparative analysis of a quality of life of the Eastern Siberia municipal districts population are presented in this article. The analysis showed that they inadequately take into account a discomfort of climate in calculation the minimum subsistence level for the Northern territories population. The authors suggest making a socioeconomic request to the state and to a privat business to overcome this defect.
Koval’ A. G., Saint-Petersburg
The Russia Joining to WTO Influence on Saint-Petersburg and the Leningrad Province International Economic Ties
The author regards the World Trade Organization main principals and rules, finds out possible consequences of Russia joining to WTO for Saint-Petersburg and the Leningrad province.
Valov K. N., Novosibirsk
The Time of Company Managers
Well known in the world but underestimated in Russia institute of company managers are studied in this article. The author thinks that a role of this institute will increase during crisis when the price of managers’ decisions is high; the state is bail outing some economic units end even sectors of economy, pumping money into private business.
Chookhlomin V. D., Saratoga-Springs
How to Prepare the World Level Specialist?
“ECO” already published articles on an experience of international education innovation projects realization (organization of an international business faculty in the Omsk State University and the Russian-Australian Center in Sidney). Now it describes the results of working on an international project of economic education modernization in Siberian institutes of higher education.
Kirnichniy V. Yu., Kadtsin R. A., Omsk
Auctions for Construction Works: Management Decisions Optimization
The authors suppose that an existing now in Russian system of auctions for construction works is not based on well thought economic decisions. It leads to fraud and threats to break off the state contracts. Underestimation of the role and underfunding of some direct and indirect expenditures are significant elements of such system.
Maksoorov A. A., Yaroslavl
Legal Status of a Debtor
Under recent situation every one may become a debtor of consumer or business credit, or due to unpaid taxes, etc. That is why it is important for everyone to know the rights of a debtor and to use them properly.
Masurashvili Ioseb, Tbilisi
Transformation of Economic System (on an example of Georgia)
Following the recommendation of experts of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, the government of Georgia has chosen «shock therapy» as a way of its economy transition in to a market economy. This was not successful for Georgia. In our opinion, in order to avoid a deep economic crisis Georgia has to take into concideration the errors of last years of economy transformation.
Novakovskii R. A., Chudnov I. A, Kemerovo
Who Benefited by the «Great Friendship»?
The authors, on the basis of materials of the Communist party and the Soviet government archives, analyse an experience of the
Soviet-Chinese economic cooperation during the period from the end of 1940s till the beginning of 1960s. The paper contains information on volumes and directions of the soviet help to China, economic
and geopolitical benefits of both sides, and opinions of politicians.
Koor’yanov Yu. A., Novosibirsk
Siberia is Russia
A review of the book «Image of Siberia». (Novosibirsk, FSPI Trends, 2008). – In Russian.

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