Summary №7 2009 г.
Khanin G. I., Fomin D. A., Novosibirsk
On Economic Situation in Russia in the First Quarter of 2009
On the basis of alternative estimations the authors analyse an economic development of Russia and some sectors of its economy, study the structural shifts, problems of prices, employment and incomes. They also compare general features of economic crisis in different countries and its peculiarities in Russia. The authors forecast how the crisis will develop in the Russian Federation, discuss uneasy ways of its mastering.
Zhironkin S. A., Zhyravskii M. Yu., Kemerovo
Techno park as a Structure-Transforming Form of Kuzbass Economy Development
Structural changes are important for Russian economy. To change proportions of distribution investment, income, export and taxes between raw materials and manufacturing sectors it is necessary to improve inter-industry financial and managerial interrelations, to increase capital inflow into hi-tech industry. Such task is especially urgent for raw-materials producing regions, including the Kznetsk coal basin.
Kaloogina Z. I., Novosibirsk
A Human Potential Development in Siberia
The regional and sectoral aspects of a human potential development in Siberia are analyzed in this paper. This potential is regarded as the main factor of an economic growth and social development. The author gives a forecast of the social consequences of crisis, discusses measures, reducing social risks, and necessity to change a course of the state regional policy.
Bessonova O. E., Novosibirsk
Residential Construction Model at the Recent Stage
of Economic Development
The recent fall down in construction sector in Russia is caused, according to the author, not by crisis but by an unfitness of existing model of meeting a demand on residential buildings to economic situation. A new strategy of residential construction is proposed in this article, which embraces the market and state sectors of economy. Such model is forming in the Kemerovo and the Novosibirsk provinces.
Zimina T. V., Starikov E. N., Yekaterinburg
A State-Private Partnership: Problems of Development
The problems of a recent stage of a state-privet partnership are shown on an example of the Sverdlovsk province in this article.
Berkovich M. I., Galanin S. I., Kostroma
Jewelry Production in Russia
It seems that economics slides around a jewelry production, but in this article the readers will find general characteristic of this sector, its resources basis, financial trade activity, and specific features of its products.
Arkhipova Yu. A., Khabarovsk
Mining Sector Diversification in Russia
The integration processes in national mining and metallurgy sectors are important phenomenon of an economic life, and the author thinks that the recent crisis proved an efficiency of diversification of the main enterprises of those sectors.
Borodin V. A., Goloshapova I. A., Kolosova E. A., Barnaul
Production in the Altai Region: Perspectives in the Time
of Crisis
Some indicators of the Altai region industry are given in the paper; there are estimations of dynamics and results of production, financial and investment activity in production sector. The article also shows the forecast figures on some types of industrial production and project results of realization of the Program of the Altai region industrial development in 2009–2012.
Evseenko S. V., Breusova A. G., Omsk
Socio-Economic Development of Siberia and the Omsk Province under Globalization
The article shows a level of provision of Siberia and the Omsk province with the main resources of development including the crucial one – human capital. The main barriers on the way of grows and advantages of those areas were found.
Askanova O. V., Rubtsovsk
The Altai Region Machine-Building Sector
The article presents the main economic indicators of business activity of the agriculture machine-building enterprises in the city of Rubtsovsk (the Altai region). A package of specific for Altai’s machine-building complex problems is also discussed.
Kool’kin D. M., Alma-Ata
Chingishan’s Golden Horde: A Management System and Business Strategy
After comparison the Golden Horde with a corporation, winning world markets, the author declares that the Mongols have had all components of an effective management.
Smotritskaya I. I., Moscow
The Government Purchases in a System of Contra-Crisis Regulation of Economy
The government purchases are an important instrument of overcoming the economic crisis in the Russia Federation government Program of contra-crisis measures. Unfortunately this instrument is far from being perfect. The article shows the key problems, which solution may help to enhance the government purchases efficiency.
Danilov S. G., Irkutsk
Large Economic Agents’ Necessity in Leasing Company Formation
The author of this paper analyses preferences and defects of leasing and a captive leasing company formation by large economic agents.
Boboshko D. Yu., Tolyatti
Concealed Reinvestment Revelation and Accounting
in an Enterprise
Undistributed profit is a traditional measure of a company reinvestment. The author considers different ways of revenue reinvestment, offers methods of reinvestment planning and bookkeeping shows its influence on a company’s economic indicators.
Dolgoluk A. A., Novosibirsk
Personnel Movement in Construction Sector in Siberia
A level of investment activity will increase when the Russia overcomes an economic crisis and the country faces with labor deficit again. Knowing of different aspects of works meeting formation and ways of its stability enhancement may prevent loss of qualified personnel and its outflow from a company.

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