Summary ¹8 2009 ã.
Grekov I. Å., Orel
On Optimal Level of Inflation
On the basis of statistical data for 127 countries in1971–2003, and using econometric modeling the author estimates a permissible and an utmost levels of inflation for different groups of countries, including Russia.
Kazantsev S. V., Novosibirsk
Foreign Investment in the Russian Economy in 2008.
Inflow of foreign investment in the Russian economy was less and outflow larger in 2008 than in 2007. But the total volume of accumulated in the country’s economy foreign investment increased. The flows of foreign investment in Russia are studied in this article.
Fedoseev V. I., Novosibirsk, Radchenko S. M., Barnaul
An Innovation Strategy for Coal Energy Development in Russia
A full scale use of coal in the Russian energy sector is effective only on its utilization on a new technological basis. Some aspects of utilization of new types of coal fuel, instead of its burning, cavitations water-coal fuel and nano-coal are regarded in this article.
Barsukova S.Yu., Moscow
Meat Market: Import Games
The Russian meat market is very much dependant on import nowadays, practically our country is on a «meat drug». The paper presents the causes of such situation; a prospective of idea of replacing the import as a first priority goal of agricultural section development for the coming years and methods of this idea implementation are evaluated.
Kirillin N. D., Yakutsk
Fossil Ivory as a Specific Geocryogenic Resources
The author shows that fossil ivory may be regarded as a specific natural resources and its utilization is profitable.
Lyubimova E. V., Novosibirsk
Electricity Prices Differentiation
The article presents strategical aims in the field of electricity prices differentiation systems improvement: reducing their regional differentiation; refusal to use cross-subsidization according to consumer categories and reliability; implementation of the electricity prices differentiation according to the reliability levels of power supply.
Masurashvili I., Tbilisi
World Financial Crisis and Socio-Economic Situation in Georgia
The world crisis has aggravated such negative social phenomena as poverty and crime waves in different countries. The evaluation of social and economic situation in Georgia is presented in this paper, the necessity of small businesses development as a solution to the current problem is also given.
Khanin G. I., Novosibirsk
Why there are so Little Good Economists in Russia?
The author shows ups and downs in economics in the USSR and Russia, respects studies of prominent Russian economists, which were ahead of their time. He thinks that a state of society is the main reason of decay in economics and absence of demand on its results. The author’s conclusions leave the room for hopes for possible changes in this sphere because the modernization elements of society always are active in crisis periods and needs a help from science and education.
Manaev V. V., Rubtsovsk
Small Business in the Altai City
A brief survey of small business performance in the city of Rubtsovsk (the Altai region) is given in this article. It appeared that a small business contributes not only to total volume of production and the city tax income but also assists in solving citizens’ social problems.
Toropushina E. E., Apatity
Social Infrastructure of Arctic Regions
The analysis of contemporary state and prospective of social infrastructure development is presented in the paper. The author concludes that a level of its development is very low at present time, which is due to real facts as well as the implemented state policy. Some recommendations in supply of social infrastructure of Russian Artcic are given for federal, regional and local authorities.
Donetskaya S. S., Novosibirsk
Russian Approach to Ranking the World’s Leading Universities
In February 2009, rating agency ReitOR published Russian rating of World’s leading universities, which, as per opinion
of developers, allows to comprehersively evaluate the quality of education at universities and to present Russian higher education organizations in a better way in a global educational space.
In the mean time Russian methodology of universities ranking is not perfect. What are the weaknesses of new rating? What are the differences in between Russian approach to ranging and foreign ones? The author tried to find the answers to these questions.
Chascharina O.M., Moscow
The Way Crisis Will Change Business Education Programs
A research and practice conference «Problems of world crisis in business education programs» was held in Russian-German Higher School of Management in March 2009. Teachers and students of the School participated in it. The current paper contains brief overview of reports which are included in the collection of scientific works of Russian-German Higher School of Management.
Voronov Yu. P., Novosibirsk
Misfortunes Never Come Singly
Review of academician Abel Aganbegian’s book «The Crisis: Is it a Misfortune or Chance for Russia?» (In Russian).
Starovoytov M. K., Medvedeva L. N., Aleksandrov A. V., Volgograd
Municipal Investment Policy
In conditions of crisis the municipal authorities are forced to look for a new model of investment flow control. The paper presents the example of investment policy of Volgograd city which illustrates significance of efficient allocation of resources amongst objects of socio-economic sphere.
Kryuchkov V. N., Omsk
Intensification of Selling Efforts as a Prequel of Marketing Concept
The theory of teaching marketing entrenched in Russian higher school in many ways is contradictory to the actual national business. Managers of enterprises put forward rigid requirements from marketing specialists. Many of such requirements come down to maintaining the «high-pressure» selling process, to which marketing specialists are often not ready. The reason to such situation is incorrectly understood difference between the marketing concept and the concept of selling efforts intensification.
Kokoev M. N., Nal ,chik
Betancourt’s Highways in Russia
The Article is dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the prominent engineer Augustin de Betancourt, who made an invaluable contribution to the technical, economic and cultural development of Russia. His most notable achievements are the currency printshop (currently known as «Goznak» in St. Petersburg), major improvement of the water transport and the design of the first highway in Russia between Moscow and St. Petersburg. Betancourt also set up Saint Petersburg Institute of Communications Engineers.

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