Summary ¹9 2009 ã.
Kuleshov V. V., Novosibirsk
The Financial and Economic Crisis: the Present-day Situation and How to Overcome It
The paper provides vast statistic material that characterizes the depth of the current financial and economic crisis in Russia. The factors are analyzed that in the near and remote perspective can facilitate economic revival and improvement in the social sphere.
Klistorin V. I., Novosibirsk
Crises in Economics: Methodology and Empirical Study
The paper considers different aspects of the methodology applied in economic sñience, and discusses new approaches to be necessarily developed due to the world financial and economic crisis. A brief historical analysis of the history of economic sñience allowed the author to identify signs, causes and peculiarities of crises that took place in economic sñience in the past.
Zabolotskij S. A., Novosibirsk
New Start Conditions for the Chemical Industry in Russia
The influence of the crisis on the production of goods in the chemical sector in Russia, in particular the ones intended for export and for domestic usage, is thoroughly analyzed in the paper.
Promising ways for development are considered.
Korzhubaev A.G., Sokolova I.A., Eder L.V., Novosibirsk
The Russia,s Oil Complex Tendencies Analysis
The paper presents analysis of contemporary state of oil complex in Russia including oil mining and oil refining; the main tendencies, problems and threats in the field are defined against the background of the world economic crisis background. The results of work of oil industry in 2008 are presented in details.
Koonstevich P. A., Prokhorova G. A., Moscow,
Shtrekalkin S. I., Novosibirsk
Wind Energetics Development in Russia
They search alternative sources of energy in many countries in our days. Wind power may be regarded as one of the most perspective. After an estimation the efficiency of used in Russia foreign made windpower installations the author concludes that it worth to create homemade windpower techniques on the basis of original technical solutions.
Aletdinova A. A., Koritskij A. V., Novosibirsk
An Estimate of the Rate of Private Return and Externalities of Education
In the present paper the private return of education is estimated according to the results of surveys from external students, teachers and the audience of the professional development courses. The existence of influence of a city’s agglomerations and workers’ self-appraisal on their labor incomes is depicted. The «neighbor effect» is exposed, that is the influence of the average education level of workers in a region on incomes of individual workers.
Barsukova S. Yu., Moscow
The Grain Market: Export Potential and Its Realization
Russia confidently enters the world grain market. The export of grain is a means to support the sector. However, without help from the state the blockage of the export channels will not only become a missed opportunity, but can also lead to the devastation of the domestic agricultural producers.
Roy O. M., Omsk
Tendencies of the Omsk Province Development in the Crisis Period
The paper presents analysis of the current tendencies in social and economic development of the Omsk Province in the conditions of the world financial crisis. The fundamental problems are shown as well as the dynamics of key performance indicators of regional economy is evaluated. The points of potential growth of region are defined.
Udalov F. E., Alekhina O. F., Nizhniy Novgorod
Experience, Temperament and Efficiency in the Work of a Manager
In the present paper the dynamics in efficiency of managers’ work depending on term beenig in the capacity of managership and personal characteristics is analyzed based on the conducted research in five large industrial enterprises from Nizhniy Novgorod. The data are given on realization of their professional potential and interest in their occupation.
Avdiev M.A., Novosibirsk
One Thousand Vacancies for Neutral Middlemen
The demand of business community for alternative methods of solving economic disputes have drastically increased in the last few years. The current paper presents the ways to reduce inefficient fix costs, avoid judicial procedures with help of arbitrages or neutral middlemen.
Maksoorov A. A., Yaroslavl
Debtors’ Rights According to Execution Docket Law
Under recent situation every one may become a debtor of consumer or business credit, or due to unpaid taxes, etc. That is why it is important for everyone to know the rights of a debtor and to use them properly.
Khanin G. I., Novosbirsk
Honest and Topical History
The paper presents a detailed review of the books «Discussions About the Economic Policy in the Years of Monetary Reform 1921–1924» and «Crises that Wrecked NEP. Currency Regulations During NEP» by Yu. M. Goland.
Niazbekova Zh. K., Moscow
Pricing Factors in the World Oil Market in the Early 21st Century
The main factors leading to drastic oil price fluctuations are pointed out in this paper. Special attention is paid to such new factors as the influence of the US dollar exchange rate and expectations of speculative investors under the conditions of the world financial crisis development. The author emphasizes the formation of a new role of oil as a reliable financial asset.
Gudkov A. N., Ivanovo
Business Solvency as an Aim of Financial Management in an Insurance Company
Business solvency management in a commercial insurance company from the point of view of the company itself is considered in the paper. We offer an original approach to the concept of «business solvency’, a classification of its types, and substantiation of the necessity of its management as well as determining the place of business solvency management in the whole system of an insurance company management.
Isaev V.I., Novosibirsk
Echo of Shakhtinsky Legal Process in Siberia: Life and Death of engineer Zharkov
Notorious in the USSR Shakhtinsky legal Process of the early 1920 was a beginning of numerous repressions. It embathed the country into the atmosphere of suspiciousness towards educated people. This wave of search of “depredators” reached Siberia as well. A gifted and educated engineer became a victim of it. He wrote in his farewell message that knowledge and power are “deliberately separated” in our country.
Bushueva O.G., Novosibirsk
From «Iron Bowl of Rice» to the Freedom of Choice: Economy and Mentality of China
Today’s China demonstrating miracles of economic growth to the whole world, mooves further and further away from the «iron bowl of rice» principle – supporting living standards within the limits of the physical survival. The author of the paper shares her impressions of organization of production in China and peculiarities of business contacts in this country.

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