Summary ¹10 2009 ã.
Kuleshov V. V., Novosibirsk
Conditions for the Crisis Overcoming in Russia
This is a completion of the author’s article published in the previous issue of «ECO». The factors that will help to revive the Russian economy in the nearest future are regarded in this paper.
Baranov A. O., Gel’moondinov V. M., Pavlov V. N., Novosibirsk
An Estimation of Perspectives when the Financial-Economic Crisis Will Be Overcome in Russia
The article presents an estimation of perspective to overcome financial and economic crisis in Russia. This estimation grounds on computations made with the help of dynamic inter-industry model with fussy parameters.
Chirikhin S. N., Novosibirsk
The Prices of Medicines Go Up: Is It Again the Monopolies’ Fault?
In 2009 medicines became the leader of the price upsurge among nonfood commodities in Russia. An estimation of the state of the retail market of medicines and the level of competition are presented in the paper. Moreover, the causes that slow down the retail market’s development are determined.
Samsonov N.Yu., Novosibirsk
Foreign Gold-Mining Companies in Russia: Mining Prediction Until 2015
In present article a valuation of position of foreign companies in gold-miming industry of Russia are given, in the context of provision of supply and resources, quality of mineral raw material base of gold, current and forecasting extraction of precious metal. Based on investing plans of foreign companies about opening of deposits in Siberia and Far East and conditions of bringing them into service, different scenarios of gold mining until 2015 are worked out.
Podolyako T. A., Moscow
Penetration of International Hotel Operators to the Russian Market
The author of this article examines the market segments which international hotel companies are aiming to enter in Russia, geography of their penetration, their expansion plans. She also ranks the hotel operators working in our country, shows the trends characterizing the entry of international hotel chains to Russia.
Korzhubaev A. G., Sokolova I. A., Eder L. V., Novosibirsk
The Russia’s Oil Complex Tendencies Analysis
This is a completion of the author’s article published in the previous issue of «EÑO». This article presents the reads an analysis of a recent situation of the Russia’s oil complex. The detailed results of work the oil sector in 2008 are also given.
Zhvirblis Yu. A., Abakan
The Economic Consequences of an International Migration of Labor for the Republic of Khakasia
Some economic consequences of international migration for the Khakassia and the main indicators of foreign labor utilization in the Republic are considered in this paper. Special attention is paid to positive and negative aspects of immigration.
Moollakhmetov Kh. Sh., Naberezhnie Chelni
Corporative Relations in ‘KAMAZ’ Public Corporation
A development of corporative relations in the first joint stock company in the USSR – ‘KAMAZ’ public corporation – reflects in a concentrated form the processes going in the Russian industrial sector. On the basis of studying ‘KAMAZ’ internal normative documents the author describes a process of this company control system formation and grounds the key elements of this system.
Dzyuba S. A., Irkutsk
From a Theory of Firm to a Theory of Information Systems
The aim of this article is to show what we may receive if to place a descriptive theory of information systems on a normative base, relied on results of theoretical economy and the theory of information.
Valueva N. V., Gertsog I. F., Novosibirsk
A Strategic Approach To «Crisis-Proof» Personnel Reward Policy
Experience of the Russian and international companies demonstrates, that short-term decisions, not taking into account the strategy of a company, in a long-term aspect inevitably follows the negative results. One of major roles in the set of «crisis-proof» activities belongs to the personnel reward policy, the choice of which depends on the stage of crisis that company had time to reach. The maintenance of effective team during a crisis becomes the major strategic advantage of ñompany.
Mikhailova E. N., Novosibirsk
What Is To Be Done When The Bank Is Wrong
This paper considers the most frequently encountered occasions when citizens refer to the committee for the consumers’ rights protection in case of violations, which were made by the bank when signing the contract with the consumer or during the process of the contract performance.
Shilovskii M. V., Novosibirsk
The Arctic Economic Development in Pre-Revolutionary Russia
The interest to Arctic is enhancing all over the globe, and many states claim their rights on its territory and natural resources. This article tells the readers about the policy of the Arctic region development in pre-revolutionary Russia.
Khanin G. I., Novosibirsk
A School-Book as an Endowment to Science
Review of the book: Rogova O. L. «Money and Credit System of the Russian Economy Reproduction». (M., 2009). – In Russian.

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