Summary №11 2009 г.
Karmanova N. E., Novosibirsk
There is a Transitional Crisis in a Transitional Economy
Researchers of the transition processes are unison in their opinions: the visual factor played the crucial role in the transition economy crises development, that is incorrect state interference/non-interference in the economy. In other words, the crises were generated by choosing inadequate transition economy regulation model without taking into consideration the global development tendencies.
Crisis, contra-crisis policy, money supply, inflation, prices
Shvetsov Yu. G., Bulash O. А., Barnaul
A State as a Private Рroperty of Bureaucracy
The paper is dedicated to the problem of state bureaucratization and the most important social and economic consequences of such phenomenon. The essense of bureaucracy are exposed in the paper alongside with analysis of the main peculiarities of its functioning in the Russian Federation.
Bureaucracy, state, budgetary reform, taxation system, property
Klistorin V. I., Novosibirsk
An Expertise of Executive Bodies Economic Decisions
The author shows the problems of an expertise of executive bodies economic decisions, formulates principals of expertise of socio-economic documents, accepted by these bodies, grounds the necessity of an institutionalization of independent expertise, proposes suggestions to develop an expert society, particularly in the Russia’s regions.
Executive power, objects, decision making, expert society, independence
Poluyan P. V., Krasnoyarsk
Econophysics and Theoretical Aspects of Political Economy
The author of this article writes about econophysics, calls to regard political economy as a physical object, is an apologist of an energy theory of value and a patriot of a fuel-energy sector.
Economic theory, physics, political economy, energy, econophysics, energy theory of value
Romashov Yu. M., Moscow
The Russian Forestry Policy: Desirable and Real
On the basis of the first experience of forest plans elaboration in Russia critical analysis the author regards the issues of a forest sector development strategic planning under decentralized management and liberalized access of enterprises to forest resources utilization. He demonstrates a number of gaps between regulations of a forest policy which was pursued during the last three years, and the Russian forestry realities.
Forestry policy, forestry, forest Code, forest regulation, management
Arkhipov G. I., Khabarovsk
Ferrous Metallurgy Development in the Russian Far East
According to the author the main directions of possible strategy for the ferrous metallurgy development in the Russian Far East are the following: development of metal or beds in the southern part of the region, new metallurgy complex construction and ferroalloy subsector creation on the basis of alloying metals deposits.
The Far East, ferrous metallurgy, ore deposits development, ferrous alloys, metallurgy complex
Popov E. V., Konovalov A. A., Ekaterinburg
Information Costs of Enterprise: Evaluation and Optimization Problems
Present paper concerns issues of evaluation and dynamic optimization of the enterprise information costs. Authors show economical information phenomena in the terms of information flows, institutions and information search costs. Dynamical model of the optimal information costs growth is presented along with the results of the empirical study. It is shown that an enterprise should keep its information costs growth rate at the same level with the revenue growth.
Enterprise, information, cost, optimization, institutions
Nazarevich A.B., Krasnoyarsk
Subsystems for Records Management Informational Support in Small and Medium Enterprises
The issues of records management in small and medium production enterprises, that have a serial production and are specialized on production, are regarded in this article. The author also proposes his approach to a cost of production prompt calculation.
Records management, small and medium enterprise, automated control system, management, cost of production
Eleezarova E. Yu., Novosibirsk
Mosaic of Science Intensive Business
Interview with Losev M. V., the director of “The Medical-biological Union” Ltd., scientific production activity is referred to the innovative sphere.
Medical-biological products, human diseases diagnostic facilities, small science-intensive business, civilization, creative potential, innovation, crisis
Abalkin L.I., Moscow
The History of Russian Economic Thought and its Relation to the Politics
In this article one of the leaders of our country’s economic science speculates about the development of the economic thought in Russia.
Economic thought, economic science, Russian economists
Voronov Yu. P., Novosibirsk
Bugaboo of Inflation
There are considerations of author about problems in
S. S. Sulakhshin book “Inflation not according Kudrin” discussed.
Inflation, wages, demonetization, price regulation, mathematical models
Novikova I. A., Rogachevskaya M. A., Novosibirsk
‘Dead Souls’ – is an Economic Novel
The economic peculiarities of Russia in the first half of XIX century was subtly described by Nikolai Gogol in his well known novel ‘Dead Souls’.
N. V. Gogol, Russia, XIX century, history, economy
Urumbaeva R. N., Saratov
On Decreasing the Excise Rate on Alcohol
The tax policy as one of the main tools of government regulation is considered in the paper. It is demonstrated that the high current excise rate on alcoholic production creates economic motivation for illegal manufacturing. The calculation of the positive economic effect from lowering the excise rate is given.
Liquor and Vodka industry, alcohol production, tax policy, excise, excise tax

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