Summary ¹1 2010 ã.
Tolokonskii V. A., Novosibirsk
To Use Available Resource is the Main Innovation in Management
In his interview to a correspondent of “ECO” the governor of the Novosibirsk province touched upon many important issues of a regional governance improvement, took up tactic and strategic tasks which are to be solved on the way to new economy.
State support, management innovation, project approach, civil society, science support, new technologies.
Aseev A. L., Novosibirsk
The Russia has no Future without Science
In his interview to a correspondent of “ECO” the president of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences said about priority tasks of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, about perspectives of Siberian science innovation potential realization.
Science, innovation, economy modernization, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Aganbegian A. G., Moscow
The Crisis’s Lessons
The causes and development the crisis in Russia as well as possible ways to get out of it are analyzed in this paper. A special attention is paid to a move to innovation mode of development.
Crisis, Russia, stagflation, forecast, innovation, human potential.
Kravchenko N. A., Novosibirsk
On a Problem of the National Innovation Systems Measuring and Estimation
The author analyzed the problems of national innovation system measuring and estimation. The main attention is paid to the USA and European Union experience.
National innovation system, innovations, measurement, estimation, European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS-2008).
Rudakov M. N., Odlis D. B., Petrozavodsk
The Russian Wood Engineering Industry: Ways Out of Crisis
The Russian wood engineering industry is in crisis now. Its origins are in the USSR command economy disproportions. The authors present a set of strategies for the industry restructurings, which may, by their opinion, help to accelerate the enterprises of the Russian wood engineering industry adaptation to market economy conditions.
Wood engineering industry, command economy, restructuring strategy, integration, disintegration.
Friedman Yu. A., Rechko G. N., Pimonov A. G., Os’kina N. A., Alekseenko E. V., Novosibirsk, Kemerovo
A New Paradigm of Development in Kuzbass and Coordination the Interests of Business and Power
The idea of necessity to elaborate a new conception for Kusbass development is grounded in this paper. The authors show the reasons of insufficient efficiency of Kusbass economy, discourse way of the province innovation development issues of business and authority mutual relations.
Economic growth, efficiency of economy, labour productivity, Kuzbass, business, authorities.
Sokolov A. V., Novosibirsk
Titanium Metal Markets and the Russian Aviaprom
The paper discusses general characteristics and current state of the ilmenite and rutile quarrying, as well as production of titanium sponge and titanium metal in Russia and world wide from 1990-s to 2000-s. Major issues of domestic titanium industry are highlighted. Furthermore, the demand for titanium metal that the Russian defense industry may have, and potential for the domestic titanium industry to meet that demand are analyzed.
Titanium metal, ilmenite and rutile ore, aerospace industry, defense industry.
Razomasova E. A., Novosibirsk
Reeves in a waterway of a small business in services sector
In this article the results of research of 72 enterprises of small business, working in services sector, are presented. The most acute problems in this sphere are a lack of financial resources and a complexity of their attraction. Problems are caused by weak governmental support to small business as a whole.
Small business, services sector, entrepreneurship, government, support, investments, credits.
Voronov Yu. P., Novosibirsk
Scopes of Success (On the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2009)
The Nobel Prize in economics was given to E. Ostrom and O. Williamson in 2009 for studying the ‘boundary’ problems of economic theory.
Ostrom E., Williamson O., collective Action, commonly pooled resources, new institutional economic theory.
Senchagov V. K., Moscow
On Some Economic Reforms in the USSR
In 2010, publishing house “Ankil” plans to issue the Professor V. K. Senchagov’s book “ Economy, Finance, Prices: Evolution, Transformation, Safety”. “ECO” gives some the author’s materials from an introduction to this book.
Åconomic reforms, economy, price, finance, USSR.
Klistorin V. I., Novosibirsk
Economy: Morality and Freedom
The paper was prepared in connection with the 250 years ago publication of “The Theory of Moral Sentiments” written by A. Smith. The author comments those Smith’s statements concerning the nature of morals in society which sound in Russia in tune with the times and may be of undoubted interest to contemporary readers. Smith’s ideas about the correlation of standards of morality and welfare growth, an increasing share of a “middle class” and “high society’s” standards of behavior are interesting in our days. The author also shows in what direction the Smith’s ideas were developed by representatives of the different economic schools.
Adam Smith, morals, morality, utility, virtue, vice, religion, economic theory.
Burlachkov V. K., Moscow
The Gold: Known and Unknown
Review of the book: Katassonov V. Yu., Gold in the Russia’s History: Statistical Data and Estimations. (M., 2009). – In Russian.
Gold, price of gold, Russia, gold-mining, gold reserve.

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