Summary №7 2010 г.
Ognev I.A., Tyumen
Government and Innovation
The author considers small operational meta systems, which were not used first in USSR than in Russia, by the example of the technology of coal hydromining. The author also analyses experience of USA government in innovation support.
Hydromining, Raspadskaya, meta system, network developing government, department of perspective research, nanotechnologies
Karmanova n. e., Novosibirsk
The Noble Suicide of the State
The author believes that it is possible to control the transitional processes in an economy. The ICC strategy (institutionalization, competition, control) has already produced positive results in some APR countries. The Russian government is able to create the necessary conditions for this strategy. But the main handicap is that, as a result, the government should reduce its participation in the economic life.
Sate and market; ICC strategy (institutionalization, competition, control); self-sacrifice of the state for a common good
Kryukov V.A., Silkin V.Yu., Tokarev A.N., Shmat V.V., Novosibirsk
Russian Chemistry: Moving Forward or Running on the Spot?
Chemical industry today is one of the «bottlenecks» of the domestic economy, inhibiting rate and influencing negatively the quality of economic growth. Russia doesn’t rank high among the industrial countries on indicators of production and consumption of polymeric materials and other chemical products. Why chemistry in our country can’t develop so rapidly like, for example, in China? Why are we moving forward with a speed hardly higher than average in the world, i.e. running on the spot. What threats does it bring about? Is it possible to improve situation, and what is to be done?
Chemical industry, hydrocarbon resources, polymers, Russia, eastern Siberia, economic efficiency, system chemicalixation policy
Voronov Yu. P., Novosibirsk
Research Methods of Oligarch Economics
The article gives vision on oligarch economics research methods. It transfers oligarch theme from sphere of political debates to sphere of research.
Oligarchs, research methods, business security, law compliance
Stasyuk N.V., Berdsk
Company San Aims at World Output
Interview with the General Manager of innovative company San.
Innovations, nanotechnologies, developments, new products, competition
Kovalyova G.D., Suspitsin S.A., Psaryova T.V., Sushentseva N.V., Novosibirsk
Siberia in Common Economic Environment and System of International Economic Connections
Analysis of the position of Siberia and Siberian Federal district in the economic and social environment of Russia is given in the article. Estimations of recovery of Siberian regions in medium-term perspective and estimation of macro regions’ development for the period until the year 2020 are presented. Position of Siberian Federal district in system of international economic connections is analyzed. The principal lines of development, aimed at strengthening role and position of Siberia in international environment, are singled out.
Spatial transformations of economics, strategy of Siberian development, Siberian Federal district, international cooperation
Yakutin E.M., Matern N.A., Novosibirsk
Pikalyovo Syndrome in Russian Economy
The authors show that the list containing 27 monocities, state supporting program for which will be launched in 2010, lacks some cities. Population in them makes only 17, 66% of all the population of monocities. State should develop economically sound model of functioning of monocities.
Monocities, Pikalyovo, enterprise forming a company town, sectoral structure
Vazhenin S.G., Sookhikh V.V., Ekaterinburg
Trust in Trading Traditions of Islamic Countries
Search for a particular form of Islamic economy has made actual defining Quran, Hadith and Sharia ethical rules of business once again. To understand the ethics of modern Muslim entrepreneurs it is necessary to be aware of the requirements of Islamic fundamentalism to the merchants. Also attitude of Islam towards trust may come in handy against the background of the contemporary crisis of trust in the global economy.
Trust, the Quran, Hadith, zakat, Islamic fundamentalism, Sharia
Shaposhnikov A.A., Ustinova Ya.I., Novosibirsk
Are Accounting Reports Reliable?
Reliability of the accounting reports on the background of accounting crises of 2003–2009 years is considered. At that time international accounting society has decided to conduct check–ups to eliminate negative consequences resulting from distortion of reports and false audit statements. Why are accounting reports unreliable?
Accounting report, methods of accounting, dual recording, creative method of accounting, fraud
Frolova E. V., Moscow
The World Financial Market Development: Before and After Crisis
The author exposes the main trend of the world financial market development, shows how the crisis influences this market. Set of measures for the world financial system stabilization and recovery are proposed.
Global financial system, financial crisis, financial markets, measures for financial system regulation
Sukhochev V. I., Kumertau
The Problem of Estimation of Quality of High School Graduates’ Competence
The author researches one of the most important problems of the Russian system of the higher education, the problem of estimation of its quality. After analyzing estimations of quality of higher education, author comes to a conclusion that existing methods basically are expert methods of estimation of quality of students and graduates’ knowledge. In the same time, in author’s opinion, society needs not only expert estimation of quality of high school graduates’ knowledge, but also method of estimation of quality of their competency with participation of the employees, which is presented in the article.
Quality of higher education; expert estimation of quality of knowledge; estimation of high school graduates’ competency
Malov V. Yu., Melentieev B. V., Novosibirsk
Modernization and Mobilization
The State policy in the process of formation and fastening settlement in the Siberian regions of new industrial development: plans and reality. Siberian scientific publisher, Novisibirsk, 2009.

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