Summary №6 2010 г.
Travina I. A., Novosibirsk
Interview with Chief Director of SoftLab NSK ltd I.A. Travina.
Small-scale science intensive enterprise, innovation system, new technologies
Kuleshov V. V., Novosibirsk
Modernization and People Ware of Economics
Potential of innovative technological progress that includes personnel, advanced technology production is presented in the article. Forecast of innovation development for near future is presented too.
Economics of knowledge, education, scale of innovation sector, technology parks, technological modernization
Chernov A. Yu., Moscow
21 Century: the End or the Continuation of the Scientific and Technical Progress
The author cames to a conclusion on slowdown of the scientific and technical progress. Conclusion is based upon analyses of the most important achievements in science and technology in the fields of energy, transport, industry, new materials, space, military, biology, medicine, and electronics in the 20 century and at the beginning of the 21 century. The author,s recommendations, are also presented.
Slowdown of the scientific and technical progress; expenses for science; innovative research and development
Pushkarenko A. B., Tomsk
From Innovative Organizations to Innovation-Active: Process Development
Stimulation of innovative activity in several regions (Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Tomsk region) by granting additional benefits and preferences, included in the register of innovation-active or innovative organizations, is analyzed. The aspects of work with innovation-active organizations in Tomsk region are considered in details.
Innovation-active organization, register of innovation-active or innovative organizations of a region.
Khanin G. I., Kopilova N. V., Novosibirsk
Alternative Estimation of Replacement Value of Basic Funds of Russian Industry
Using 3 types of alternative evaluation estimation, estimation of worth of basic funds in different spheres of Russian industry was carried out. Results are differ from data presented by official statistics. Author concludes – existing data distort Russian economic picture and hamper the development of economic policy.
Russian industry, replacement value of basic funds, alternative calculation methods, economic policy
Lavrovskiy B. L., Pel’ E. V., Uvarova E. V., Murzov I. A., Novosibirsk
Tax Resources of Siberia: the Latest Trends
The article is devoted to structural characteristics of tax payments in Russia and Siberia, as a result of reducing tax rate. Moreover, the dynamics of overcoming the crisis and the role of particular branches are estimated.
Tax payments, tax rate, overcome the crisis
Beliy A. V., Moscow
Russia and Energy Charter Treaty
Development of standards of international controllability is reviewed in the article. Institutional approach is applied to development of international legal regime of Energy Charter. Definition of controllability is connected to development of international standards of dispute settlement, which are described in the article in detail. In connection with controllability, Russian interest, defense of investment in European Union and ecological investment encouragement, is reviewed in the article.
International control and controllability, international economics, international economic law, Energy Charter
Zorkaltsev V. I., Irkutsk
Series of Cold Winters
The article is devoted to increase of fuel demand for heating in economic regions of USSR during the coldest winters in XX century. It was proven that in European part of USSR three or four winters during prewar period and winters of the first two years of Great Patriotic war were extremely cold.
Weather observations, heat supply, fuel supply, cold winters
Belyakov G. S., Moscow
Estimation of Cost Efficiency of Investment Projects
The author shows some imperfection of the terminology used in efficiency estimation of investment projects and offers approach which may help to define more accurately meaning of some notions.
Investment project, terminology, economic efficiency, cash flow, Д-approach
Gorbunov K. N., Novosibirsk
Servitude as Basis of Cooperation
The paper considers systemic cooperation as a new mechanism of market agents interaction in different sectors of national economy. Systemic cooperation is not only of economic character, but also of standard interactive character between market agents. Conclusion is proved by the example of the servitude law in telecommunications network.
Systemic cooperation, economic connections, information systems, connection branch, servitude
Malkova Yu. V., Moscow
Tax Stimuli of Innovation Development: Benefits without Results
Problems of tax stimulation of innovation development are analyzed in the article. The special tax treatment for innovation enterprises that lessen tax burden and stimulate innovation development fully is proposed to resolve problems of tax stimulation.
Innovative development of Russia, tax stimulation, innovation enterprise, special tax treatment for innovation enterprises
Shestoperov A. M., Moscow
Government and Municipal Contractual Work for Small-scale business: Legislation and Practice
Government and municipal contracts are turning into instruments of entrepreneurship development in the Russian Federation. However nowadays there are exist unsolved problems which are to a considerable degree reduce the effectiveness of the application of this instrument of public policy. These limitations are discussed in the article, several solutions are proposed.
Government and municipal contractual work, assignment of quotas, small/scale business, public policy, support
Martynov A. G., Chudnov I. A., Kemerovo
Currency Reform of Enlightened Person.
To 240-years Paper-Money Circulation in Russia
It is suggested to regard transformations on introduction and stabilizing of paper-money circulation (1769–1786) by «money reform of Catherine II», which was not used in certificate and educational literature before. Analysis of reform is given in the context of theory and practice of Russian (Soviet) money reforms.
Currency reform, monetary circulation, Catherine II

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