Summary ¹10 2010 ã.
Grigoryev L.M., Moscow
500 days: Is It Enough Time for a Revolution in Consciousness to Take Place?
The author, who is one of the architectures of the «500 Days Reform», believes that it is not enough time for such revolution to happen but, in the current crisis, it is long enough for our steps forward to reduce unnecessary losses experienced by our citizens the Reform was aid at.
«500 Days Reform», «laboratories of future», program customer, objectives of a reform, speed of transformations, privatization, stabilization, «Gaidar’s reforms»
Alexashenko S.V., Moscow
«The present system cannot be reformed; it can be only destroyed.»
The paper presents an opinion of one of the architectures of the «500 Days Reform» interviewed by the Editor- in-Chief, «ECO» Monthly. The author finds that the reform has not solved its key objective such as to increase the efficiency of our economy.
«500 Days Reform», M.S. Gorbachev, N.I. Pyzhkov, finance
Yasin Ye. G., Moscow
«Russia is to step the same way again…»
The author, who is one of the architectures of the «500 Days Reform», finds that no results expected from our institutional transformations made over the 2000th could be observed. He also thinks that Russia is to experience the slow evolutionary transformations which would be accompanied with conflicts of opposites, and compromises with oppositions would be inevitable.
«500 Days Reform», market reforms, oligarchic companies, innovations, reform of the public utilities companies, competition, opposition
Yavlinsky G.A., Moscow
«Russia has built a system of peripheral capitalism»
Reviewing the main ideas of the «500 Days Reform», the author is pondering over current challenges to be addressed in Russia such as the monopolization, wild oligarchic capitalism, and a balance of liberalism-dirigisme. He believes that we should return to the principles proclaimed in this program.
Alternative, European experience, liberalism, dirigisme, corruption, merger of business and authorities, peripheral capitalism, civil societyal stabilization, price liberalization, corruption, sovereignty, oligarchic capitalism
Suslov N.I., Novosibirsk
Programs Propose, History Disposes
The author analyses the implementation of the «500 Days Reform» from positions of the institutional theory, as well as the sorry realities of the Russian transition to market economy. Any other result is unlikely to be expected, he concluded.
«500 Days Reform», economic reform, institutions, shadow economy, Hecksher-Ohlin model
Kim I.S., Untura G.A., Perepechko L.N., and Davidovich A.A., Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk and Tomsk
Management Innovations at the Institutions of SB RAS
The article reviews the experience of commercialization of scientific results obtained by the institutions of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences. We offer the principles and procedures to identify at early stages of research what innovations could be considered as potentially commercialized ones and to support them. This would allow of searching potential investors.
Management, innovation, commercialization, research institute, public funds, venture fund, expert
Dmitriyeva L.A., Novosibirsk
How to Support Creativeness?
The President of the Society of Inventors in Academgorodok, Novosibirsk is pondering over what could be done to make Russia a country of innovations.
Society of Inventors, innovation, patent, innovation infrastructure
Vilchek S.Yu., Novosibirsk
«Find a help by yourself»
The paper presents a successful practice of one of the members of the Society for Inventors in Academgorodok, Novosibirsk. Together with the author, we analyze the obstacles which any inventor could face on no mean way to have his/her innovation commercialized: from submitting its patent application to production.
Inventor, implementation, commercialization, project
Pusenkova N.N., Moscow
Strategy of National Oil Companies. Industrialization, Integration, Internationalization and Innovations
Today Russian oil companies have to be seriously concerned upon their long-term strategies as the world energy markets have dramatically changed, and Russian oil base has deteriorated fast. Thus, it may happen that the best practices of their counterparts in oil-producing countries could become rather helpful.
Oil industry, national oil companies, efficiency, non-commercial functions, state, oil-processing countries
Kuleshova A., Novosibirsk
Grain Market Waves
This article discusses a grain market and the methods for its regulation. It focuses on the interventional procurements applied in Russia as a prevailing tool of regulation. However, the additional tools happened to be required since baking companies were not ready for the dramatic price fluctuations occurred due to the big crops of 2009 and a drought of 2010. Thus, there is a necessity to restore the institutional structures destroyed during our transition to market economy; to build an effective grain market; and to improve the tools of the government support of grain producers and their crediting.
Grain market, government regulation, intervention, grain export
Ulanov V.L., Moscow
Modern Tendencies of Restructuring Home Companies
Modern tendencies of the home and world company restructuring practices are analyzed by the author who had top positions in some large companies and thus the experience of their restructuring. The recommendations on restructuring procedures are given here.
Restructuring, core assets, non-core assets, over-diversified company, price of company
Shuklov L. V., Moscow
Is it any use of making new subsidiary companies?
Article discloses information about group structure organization models, which are used by small and medium sized businesses in Russia. Pros and cons of new companies registration, indirect control and cross-shareholdings are described. This models are analyzed from the angle of company growth and evolution. Organization structure improvement schedule, the purpose of which is company sustainable growth and comparative advantage receipt, is described.
Îrganization structure, company growth, sustainable growth, subsidiary companies organization and acquisition, direct and indirect control, cross-control and cross-shareholdings, small and medium business
Novikov A.V., Novosibirsk
The Integration of High Educational Institutions into the International Educational System: South-African Model of Business Education
In the article the directions of integration of national educational institutions into global educational system are determined; the peculiarities of organization of business education are examined; the fundamental trends of business education development at a particular educational institution are determined. The article includes the analysis of MANCOSA Business School and Regent Business School (located in the Republic of South Africa) experience; the recommendations about the organization of MBA, BBA and Recognition programs at national educational institutions are stated.
Integration of education, business education, MBA, BBA, Recognition, MANCOSA, Regent Business School (RBS)
Ugrovatov A.P., Novosibirsk
From History of Siberian Domestic Crimes Committed in the 1920th
Having analyzed the data kept on files of the Siberian police’s archives and the RF Public Record Office, the author presents his review of domestic crimes committed in the 1920th in Siberia, including those committed by officials of soviet authorities and the Communist Party Organization. The author analyzes the key reasons of the high level of domestic crimes, regional features and crimes prevention methods.
Domestic crimes, dynamics of crimes, soviet power, NEP

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