Summary ¹11 2010 ã.
Kovaleva G.D., Novosibirsk
Vector Oriented to the East: Commercial Relations between Siberia and Northeast Asia
The paper analyzes commercial relations between the Siberian Federal District and Northeast Asia countries, and it shows the key partners and a product range as well as the major problems arising in connection with our cooperation with these countries.
Northeast Asia, China, economic relations, investment policy, foreign trade
Diana Sweet, USA
Bilateral Energy Trade: Limits and Potential within the Sino-Russian Strategic Partnership
While there exists great potential for a mutually beneficial partnership between China and Russia, certain limitations are also present which might impede the overall effectiveness and efficiency of any such relationship. Both parties possess profitable markets and products for trade, but, bilateral agreements and transactions which would be beneficial to both parties, especially in the realm of energy, are often prevented due to a general sentiment of mistrust.
Russia, China, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, energy, pipelines
Arutyunyants A. R., Svechnikov D. V., Moscow
Yuan Comes into the Russian Currency Exchange Market
The paper considers organization of trade in the Chinese yuan in the Russian currency exchange market. It also discusses measures of China for internationalization of yuan. Supposed parameters of the trade and payments are described.
Exchange trade, yuan, ruble, Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange
Nefedkin V.I., Novosibirsk
Foreign Trade in the Region’s Economy: Before and After the Crisis
Proposed by the author approach to study the influence of foreign trade in the region on the gross regional product could be useful for measuring the degree of regional integration in the international and interregional division of labor and in the reflection of external factors in the construction of scenarios for the regional economy, the foundation for government regulation of foreign trade.
Novosibirsk Region, foreign trade, export, import, economic growth
Bernadsky Yu.I., Novosibirsk
Development of Frontier Trade: As is a Workman, so is the Work…
The paper writes about the key problems of Russian cooperation with the nearest neighbor countries.
Russia, Mongolia, China, frontier trade, stimulation of exporters
Fayzullaev D. A., Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Kyrgyzstan: the Second Circle
At the beginning of April 2010 the revolutionary overturn occurred in Kyrgyzstan. As a result President K.Bakiev was forced to resign. The paper considers the direct and indirect reasons for this event and also analyses the political and economic relations of Kyrgyzstan with its main partners – Russia and the USA.
Kyrgyzstan, revolution, Russia, the USA, hydroelectric power engineering
Baranov A.O., Bykova D.V., Novosibirsk
Impact of the World’s Goods and Financial Markets’ Volatility on Russian Economy
Theoretical problems of reflection of external shocks in the forecasting of the economy development using dynamic input-output models are described in the article. The scheme of gross output reproduction taking into account foreign economic relations is proposed in the paper. Then there is analyze of interconnections between foreign economic, production and budget blocks of the economic system.
World goods and financial markets, theoretical analysis, dynamic input -output models
Gil’mundinov V.M., Novosibirsk
Analysis of Changes in the Industrial Structure of Russian Economy under Inter-branch Competition
The study deals with the changes in industrial structure of Russian Economy in 1991–2009. Emphasis is placed on the role of internal factors determining structural changes based on the inter–branch competition for restricted public resources. The analysis allows us to determine following three main factors influencing on industrial structure of Russian Economy: real exchange rate of national currency, real interest rate on loans, real wage.
Industrial structure, inter-branch competition, exchange rate, interest rate on loans, wage
Lugacheva L. I., Musatova M. M., Novosibirsk
Increase of Governmental Role at the Market for Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions During Economic Maelstrom
In recent years, Russian government is implementing a proactive policy with regard to regulation of large corporate entities and initiating consolidation of strategic industries via company integration. At the times of economic maelstrom, state ownership of large companies tends to go up, and often times government becomes major shareholder of plants and factories that are facing or are in bankruptcy already. Government plays an important role not only as a market regulator, but also an active participant in corporate control sphere, buying corporate stakes in the number of industries.
Mergers and acquisitions, state participation, corporate law, company turn-around
Yevseyenko A.V., Ogryzko K.V., Novosibirsk
To a Clue to a Phenomenon of the Russian Crisis: Precise Diagnosis and Treatment
The counties, which showed an economic miracle in the XX century (such as Japan, South Korea ad etc.), experience shortages of natural resources of vital importance while there are countries, being highly resource rich (such as Russia, Mideast oil–producing countries, and etc.), experience deficit of incentives to ensure technological and economic progress. Is this a pure accident? Perhaps, it is precisely this fact that could explain a phenomenon of the Russian crisis.
Resource curse, Dutch disease, resource rent, public stimulus, political animals
Polishchuk A.V., Moscow
Competition within the Alliances
The topic of competition within the alliance is addressed in the article. For the period of crisis companies have high expectations for results of their activity in the field of mergers and acquisitions. As precisely in difficult times the benefits from participation in the alliances are seeing as the main reserve of improving economic performance of the companies.
Àlliance, mergers and acquisitions, economic competition, Renault, Nissan
Interview with I.A. Didenko, Novosibirsk
The Person who did by Himself…..
Oidup T. M., Kyzyl
The Corporate Social Accountability of Business or the Social Part of Realization of Investment Projects in Tuva
In the article the idea of a social role and the accountability of business is given, the activity on realization of principles of the corporate social accountability of large investors on the territory of depressive labour abundant region is analyzed. Formation of an efficient labour market, granting social services to workers and inhabitants of the republic, charities and other activities are concerned to the number of corporations composed by the social accountability. Priority directions of the social accountability of business in view of realizing large investment projects are appointed.
The social accountability of business, investment projects, developing areas, the Republic of Tyva
Maidachevsky D.Ya., Irkutsk
W.S. Woytinsky’s «Siberian Universities»
The author is using archives and articles in small editions and newspapers of the beginning of the 20th century to reconstruct some plots of the history of Economics connected with Wladimir Savelievich Woytinsky (1885–1960), his life and work in Siberia. It was in exile which coincided with World War I after which the economist had to emigrate when his main research interests and approach to the study formed.
History of Economics, historical reconstruction, intellectual biography
Selitskaya N.M, Novosibirsk
Globalization: Selecting Tools of Macroeconomic Policy
The paper presents the author’s review of the book «The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008» by Paul Krugman.

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